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Chivalry of a Failed Knight
It still pains me to this day that Asterisk got licensed instead of this.
@eternal-wanderer I would rather read Asterisk than some of the other titles I've seen licensed lately, like something about a girl who attracts penguins? I am really hoping that Chivalry of a Failed Knight gets licensed at some point. It has an awesome story. I just saw Classroom of the Elite and Mushoku Tensei got licensed, so Chivalry DEFINITELY deserves to be licensed as well. I'll go back to praying for it to happen now, since J-Novel has multiple other upcoming announcements, at least one with 10+ volumes (which Chivalry does), so heres to hoping! So J-Novel Club, please license Chivalry of a Failed Knight!!
@ironman628 said in Chivalry of a Failed Knight:
girl who attracts penguins
U mean Penguin Highway?
I am pretty sure it's better than Asterisk, it's a general literature novel written by Tomihiko Morimi (author of Tatami Galaxy and Eccentric Family)
His stuff are a bit wacky but really good. -
I was just bringing up Asterisk because both shows have similar premises but Chivalry executed everything way better, I will acknowledge though that some resent licenses have been odd though I reserve judgement until they come out. After all one reason I like Japanese content like light novels, manga, and anime is that they can take weird out there premises and make them work. Like one recent example, though I will admit I haven't read this one personally, is Reborn as a Vending Machine, I Now Wander the Dungeon. Despite the incredibly weird premise I have heard nothing but good things about this book. Though I will give you that there are plenty of misses as well where a weird premise just doesn't' work.
Since it was mentioned and I like Asterisk War, I looked up the anime for this one. Watched the first four episodes. They are awfully similar (not a bad thing), with the exception that Asterisk seems to explain it's premise a bit better - why are these kids in (modern?) Japan battling to the death with magic, anyways?
Looks entertaining though, I'd definitely give this a read.
@ironman628 Who licensed Classroom of the Elite? I really want to read that one. You are talking about the light novel correct?
Seven Seas has licensed Classroom of the Elite and Mushoku Tensei -
Thank you
edit: This is kind of a long-winded reply thing, this just kind of spired out of what I thought of this comment.
@flarecde said in Chivalry of a Failed Knight:
They are awfully similar (not a bad thing), with the exception that Asterisk seems to explain it's premise a bit better - why are these kids in (modern?) Japan battling to the death with magic, anyways?
I think Chivalry "explains the premise" in a very great way (or it actually has a core theme, to begin with). Now, this theme or premise is pretty cliche but at least there is a theme and it is executed competently. hard work and effort vs privilege and the gifted. The first fight of the series shows this very well. The fight between Ikki and Stella where everyone thinks Stella is gifted yet she works very hard and everyone thinks Ikki is useless and talentless (that he's a failure as the title states) yet Ikki frantically trying to prove everyone wrong and his Grandpa right. The first match of the tournament (or the preliminaries I think) kicks this in even more when Ikki gets demonized by his opponent and the crowd backs him up with chants of "Useless" "Failure" and whatnot. Chivalry does explain why the characters are fighting in these duels (or why the MC is), Ikki can not graduate unless he does. Ikki cannot become a knight if he does not graduate and that is his dream (that everyone tells him is impossible). Also, why do people do boxing and why do people watch boxing? The Boxers can die or get seriously injured, so why is this a thing? I think there are two types of entertainment consumers; those who look at the surface level details and those who look at the core details. now I believe everyone has some of both but some think flashing lights and "cool fights" are all that's important and others think the deeper meaning like the fight is not a physical clash of swords but a clash of ideals and beliefs. I think Asterisk leans heavily into the surface level crowd while Chivalry understands that people on a sub-conscious will understand the core details so the surface level details me not be as strong as Asterisk but the story is better as a whole.
@drone205 It explains the character's motivations, but not the premise itself.
To use the Asterisk example, it is explained that the world was altered by a preceding event, and that they fight because it is a show put on by the corporations that basically rule the world. It's entertainment.
I don't know that Chivalry provides such an explanation? Either for the fights or even the magic. I think it could be assumed it's entertainment? I could have missed it, I was watching it on Hidive and their captioning system, to put it succinctly, sucks (I mean, who the heck puts the captions in the middle of the screen?).
I wouldn't knock it too much if it didn't. I mean, it's an LN, this sort of thing just is. Plenty of other school-battle genre stuff with little to no reason to it! I plan to watch some more tonight if I have the time.
Not just that, but Chivalry also critiques the Japanese work ethic and social norms. Ikki isn't just being pushed down because people don't believe he can succeed, but because they actively do not want him to. He would rock the boat and other people might start getting ideas, which would upset the hierarchy.
The author, however, clearly does not give a shit about the hierarchy or tradition since the majority of adults and authority figures in the story are villains, and the ones who are actually on the level are usually doing something else society disapproves of. That said, he also acknowledges that this doesn't mean the students are always in the right. They say and do some pretty dumb shit that they get called out on, and it's pretty funny when they complain about "the adults" even though some of those adults directly helped get them to where they are now.
There's also a theme later on that actually condemns overworking yourself like Ikki does, because you could very well kill yourself doing so. Remind you of anything? :P
@flarecde The reason they're fighting is because they're in a school for cultivating magical abilities. When you graduate, you become a Magical Knight and you're given license to use your abilities freely. That said, you aren't required to use those abilities for combat, which is why only those students who feel like it participate in the selection matches, which will then allow them to fight in tournaments.
I would also love to see this licensed. The anime was great and I've always wanted to get in to the story more. Just my two cents.
@malloc Yea, it was Seven Seas.
This post is deleted! -
@bloodygaikotsu said in Chivalry of a Failed Knight:
@ironman628 said in Chivalry of a Failed Knight:
girl who attracts penguins
U mean Penguin Highway?
I am pretty sure it's better than Asterisk, it's a general literature novel written by Tomihiko Morimi (author of Tatami Galaxy and Eccentric Family)
His stuff are a bit wacky but really good.Bloody, you may find that Penguin Highway would be better than Asterisk; however, I don't think I personally would enjoy Penguin Highway more than either Asterisk or Chivalry of a Failed Knight based on the synopsis/summary. If you're into those types of novels, then that's great I am glad that it got licensed so you're able to enjoy it, but not everyone is going to think it's definitely better than Asterisk or [insert another novel]. I am holding out hope that eventually Chivalry will get licensed because it's one that I know I, and many others in these forums, will enjoy. Best of luck to all of our titles getting licensed =).
This has an awesome anime, and the novel seems like it would be great too! I really hope this gets licensed so we can be able to read it.
I tossed a vote for this series in another thread a long time ago but since there is this now I need to speak up again to make sure j-novel staff see enough interest.
+1 for Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan
I am hopeful that they've seen that this novel series is one of the most "upvoted", from what I can tell. I saw something that indicated an upcoming license announcement for a series over 10 volumes - I am hoping and praying so hard that it will be this series that gets announced. I just re-watched the anime and it reminded me why I enjoy the show/series and want to follow the characters to see what happens to them.