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Chivalry of a Failed Knight
@ironman628 If you’re talking about Sam’s answer on CuriousCat, I would say that title has already been revealed, as Kokoro Connect has 11 volumes.
@legitpancake Ah, well hell. Thanks for the heads up. Either way, maybe they'll still license this series soon. It's definitely at the top of my "want to read" list more so than so many of the light novels that have been announced by the various publishers lately. So I'll keep hoping and praying that one day someone will license it.
@eternal-wanderer Same for me.
I like both the anime but I always felt like Asterisk was a weaker version of Chivalry.
Still can't come to terms with the fact that Asterisk is being translated and got a 24 episodes anime while Chivalry got no translations and a 12 episode anime. -
Let's see...
I rewatched the anime 2 times.
I suggested the anime to a friend who at first was like "nah. ecchi shit. dislike" and in the end was like "oh my god! I love it! Stella waifu!".
I bought the Bluray Limited Edition.
And I keep asking companies to translate the LN.
Seems like I'm in the right place, am I? -
@michaelblue-the-king Well, J-Novel hasn’t secured a deal with this publisher (GA Bunko) before, but there’s always hope. Your best way of getting it published is to buy Kadokawa J-Novel titles, Kokoro Connect and Amagi Brilliant Park, and prove to the hard-to-license publishers that there is demand for them in English.
@legitpancake I like those 2 titles and I was gonna buy them anyway. Now I feel motivated to buy them even more :D
I would also love to see this light novel translated. This would be wonderful!
See I'm the opposite i really don't want either of those titles, but if their is a chance that me purchasing them means we get more Kadokawa titles then I'll probably get them just for that reason.
@catstorm abnegation intensifies
would in deed by nice if this could get licensed, really sucked how it didn't get a 2nd season :'(
@idiarkis I agree, a second anime season would have been great. Fingers crossed that someone officially picks up Rakudai for us so we can at least keep up with it that way.
I just realized that if I ever win the lottery, I'll be able to pay JNC/Sam to translate it for us. I guess that means I should start playing the lottery. Or if anyone wants to buy a kidney, I think I can spare one. This is such a wonderful series. I really hope that it will eventually get picked up.
Not to be that guy, but if you won the lottery you could just pay someone to translate it for you personally. I’m sure it would be cheaper although less advantageous for everyone else.
I love this light novel and the anime too. So allow me to join.
@catstorm But, if you INVEST in having it translated for sale, then you can claim any losses against your taxable income, whereas having it translated for your own use, it's just entertainment.
Love this LN, hope it gets a TL
Two videos on youtube by Digibro to convince you Chivalry is awesome
Part 1 :
Part 2 : like the points he makes for Chivalry even if he doesn't like Asterisk War.
So enjoy (or not)
Honestly, the fact that this still hasn't been licensed is nothing short of a crime. Softbank needs to get off their asses and shill.
I agree this license deserve better, the story is awesome, the romance is nice. Truly a crime.
Someone please take my money and license this. I love this series to death and the fan translations have only gotten to Vol 9 whereas Vol 15 was just released