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Chivalry of a Failed Knight
@jcoth I don't like Digibro's "holier than thou" attitude but his Asterisk War series, especially the parts where he contrasts how much better Chivalry, were gold.
It's my understanding that longer series are less likely to be licensed, which is sad... but does it get any easier when the series has finished or is about to finish, because at that point it's clear how many volumes there are? There's a lot of speculation that the next arc of Chivalry will be the last since a lot of things are coming to a head.
@jjdynasty I totally agree; I would gladly throw money at anyone who would pick this up for us. I keep hoping and praying that this gets licensed as the fan trans seems to have died out. This is the one LN series that got me into the fandom, so I really hope that it gets licensed or at least fully translated into English somehow soon. J-Novel would be an excellent place for such an awesome series.
If this ever gets licenced, the amount of high pitched, fangirling squeels that will be coming out of me will be be quite embarrassing...
@timmaaah You and so many others. Yen Press announced some new licenses recently but I don't think I'd enjoy any of them. None of the licenses I'd been hoping for were included - especially Rakudai. Guess I'll keep hoping.
I'm at least interested in seeing what this series would be like if given an official translation. I haven't seen the anime (it's on my list though), and given that I've heard it's better than Asterisk War, I'd at least like to see if the books are.
@onyx-archer I’m about to go rewatch it my 3rd time.
100 upvotes! Woohoo!
That's great, i'm still hoping for it to be picked !
I enjoyed the anime for this series so it's be nice to see what content in the novels was missing and how the series progresses from where the anime ends.
@timmaaah I thought I would be the only one to overreact this much. Guess I'm not alone in this world anymore
@jcoth You and me both! The licenses all of the “big” companies have announced recently have been very disappointing (to me anyway). I keep hoping that Rakudai/Chivalry will get picked. I don’t have enough to fund it all myself, but if JNC did some sort of “Kickstarter” to help get Rakudai started I’d contribute all I could, lol. I know that aspect would never happen, but maybe one day one of the companies like JNC, 7 S, or YP, or someone will license it in English for us.
@drone205 Still no license though...
Personally I believe that we're being made to face the same trial as Ikki prior to the start of the story. Eventually Kurono will take over the light novel industry and give us a real chance.
Just recently watched the anime... While I didn’t love it, I definitely want to read more. Now the big question is just why his hasn’t been licensed yet.
This is definitely one of my favourite light novel series, though it has been extremely hard to source. I am aware that there was a fan translation, but that appears to have stalled just after volume 8.
(Btw, how do you vote for series? I cannot see the vote button anywhere.)
@custodes On a given post, next to the "Reply" and "Quote" links, there's a "^" symbol. Just vote on the first post.
@ironman628 We can only hope. I really like the underdog and the beauty story.
@jcoth yea, I keep seeing new announcements being made by the other LN publishers, not just JNC, so hopefully one of them will license this series as it seems to have at least somewhat of a desire from LN fans. So until then hopefully everyone continues to recommend/suggest it whenever possible.
JNC actually announced a lot of licenses during Sakuracon so its not like they've been short on announcements.