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Seirei Gensouki Anime Announcement
I have to say, I am enjoying the anime
the time-skip was a little jarring, but other than that seems to moving at a reasonable pace- and as a stand alone (if I hadn't already read the LN), I imagine would still be entertaining. At present there isn't a lot of 'meat on the bones' of the story that isn't typical academy anime cliché, but it is only episode 2it 'clears my bar' with room to spare
I already expected the anime to have sub-par battle animations, but it still feels pretty bad.
Oh well.
At least they're doing the story justice, which is Seigensou's main selling point.
@albertrojas said in Seirei Gensouki Anime Announcement:
At least they're doing the story justice, which is Seigensou's main selling point.
Not of nobility, but more noble than them all combined.
@albertrojas said in Seirei Gensouki Anime Announcement:
I already expected the anime to have sub-par battle animations, but it still feels pretty bad.
Still unfortunate that the best part is the omake 4koma at the end of each episode :P
The artwork did get extremely sloppy in some parts, very rushed jobs on the faces.
The fight scenes, can only be described as "I've seen worse", but we all know we watched this episode for 2 reasons. Celia's heartbreak scene and the introduction of Latifa. That's why she's my waifu! Bring on the Silver Bride arc -
@albertrojas The minotaur was much taller than I imagined. If that is what she envisioned when writing the novels, it makes the later minotaur fights much more badass.
@salientmind said in Seirei Gensouki Anime Announcement:
@albertrojas The minotaur was much taller than I imagined. If that is what she envisioned when writing the novels, it makes the later minotaur fights much more badass.
It’s about the height I imagined…. Then again I went from manga to LN to anime…
I dunno, it feels like a lot of the excellent story novels of late are getting short changed in anime production, it all started (in my eyes anyways) with Arifureta…. Time skip, trimming nuances of the story, etc.
Disclaimer, I prefer faithful by the book adaptions, not freewheeling and dropping of what I view of important points. I mean what happened to the “lady companion” of the idiots that captured Flora initially… the one that tells Rio to marry her or something before she’s killed? Completely eliminated at this point. It feels strange as, at least to me, she’s a stand in representative for his mother and seeing her murdered like she had been… (or is that just me.?)
@thomask If i've heard correctly the initial studio dropped the ball on Arifureta and a second studio had to finish it. Despite that it sounds like a second season for Arifureta is happening. I hope they don't mess it up more, because I like the cheesiness of that chunni world.
Yeah the battle is kinda bad.
jump parrying is just bad. also the standing parry is simply lazy.
Cristina face in some scene also get funny.Minotaur height are quite the same as what I imagined from the LN.
there is part where it seems bigger because flora point of view but I think its quite accurate.most importantly tho Celia heart breaking scene is animated nicely.
@thomask Yeah, I like faithful adaptations, and I like loose adaptations/retellings... but not so much the poorly abridged/condensed stuff we get in most anime adaptations... or were getting before I more or less stopped watching anime.
That said, adapting out characters so they don't need character designs and actors is definitely a valid tool... if only the money saved could have been used on the animation budget (if nothing else to improve their pay >.>). I mean, if the point of anime isn't the animation, what is it? (Moichendising!)
Infodumps are of course another thing that need to be condensed or adapted into a different form, like original scenes acting out the history or demonstrating the scientific principle, etc. ...something more entertaining and appropriate to the medium than a glorified powerpoint presentation or so help me a bunch of talking heads standing about in a room.... but I guess that edges far too close to making the anime an original work instead of an abridged version of the first few books produced to bring in new readers >.>
@gamen said in Seirei Gensouki Anime Announcement:
@thomask Yeah, I like faithful adaptations, and I like loose adaptations/retellings... but not so much the poorly abridged/condensed stuff we get in most anime adaptations... or were getting before I more or less stopped watching anime.
That said, adapting out characters so they don't need character designs and actors is definitely a valid tool... if only the money saved could have been used on the animation budget (if nothing else to improve their pay >.>). I mean, if the point of anime isn't the animation, what is it? (Moichendising!)
Infodumps are of course another thing that need to be condensed or adapted into a different form, like original scenes acting out the history or demonstrating the scientific principle, etc. ...something more entertaining and appropriate to the medium than a glorified powerpoint presentation or so help me a bunch of talking heads standing about in a room.... but I guess that edges far too close to making the anime an original work instead of an abridged version of the first few books produced to bring in new readers >.>
For some reason I remembered the World Trigger info dumps at the end of each episode…
Speaking of animation, I thought that Celia's magic demonstration was simple, but beautiful.
@albertrojas said in Seirei Gensouki Anime Announcement:
Speaking of animation, I thought that Celia's magic demonstration was simple, but beautiful.
Yeah that magic demo scene in the classroom was pretty cool. However it is not really jiving with my pre-conceived notion on how the magic worked in this story. I was expecting incantations and magic runes to pop up for everything.
Finished watching first episode, felt kind of weird. Anyone who's watching the series without prior knowledge felt anything strange?
EDIT: Watched all 4 episodes, quite low production quality we got here. On a side note, this episode just rubbed in how much I hate the author for making Rio a wuss and all the wishy washy writing. -
Well that's not how I envisioned Amande. Looked more like Beltrant to me, and that's what I thought it was in the trailer. Also... where was Rio getting the hay for his shelter? I thought it was suppose to be made of fresh branches. ....and did that letter to Celia seriously have a stamp and postmark? And his reception at the Ricca guild was a little excessive in terms of the scenes showing them walking around the store.... ...whatever /nitpicking
The weirdest part in the 4th episode is on their way to the Spirit Folk Village they passed by Burning Lava Hell and Freezing Ice Hell. Weren't they in a giant forest called the Wilderness? Where the hell did those came from? In the book, they just went in the forest and kept going east and followed the giant tree.
@bartzbb There was some mountainous badlands where they fought the lizardfolk and flight of demi-dragons, but there was definitely no frozen lake. At least they made the point that "some time has passed".
@bartzbb said in Seirei Gensouki Anime Announcement:
The weirdest part in the 4th episode is on their way to the Spirit Folk Village they passed by Burning Lava Hell and Freezing Ice Hell. Weren't they in a giant forest called the Wilderness? Where the hell did those came from? In the book, they just went in the forest and kept going east and followed the giant tree.
Maybe they got isekai'd a few times in the cut scenes? I'm beginning to think they got a potato for the animation budget.
Also when did Liselotte turn into a tiny loli?
@mortcs said in Seirei Gensouki Anime Announcement:
Also when did Liselotte turn into a tiny loli?
That at least makes sense; she's only 11 right now. (Rio is 12 and Latifa not quite 10... and Celia is ~17)
...except honestly she (and Rio) looks way too tall to be 11 (and 12); he's not even a head shorter than that chef at the beginning (even with him leaning slightly), and Liselotte's only a few inches shorter.
...or apparently five feet is about average for 12-year-old boys? Huh...@bartzbb said in Seirei Gensouki Anime Announcement:
The weirdest part in the 4th episode is on their way to the Spirit Folk Village they passed by Burning Lava Hell and Freezing Ice Hell.
....I completely forgot about that. I guess demonstrating that the Weirdness Censor is a real thing :P