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Seirei Gensouki Anime Announcement
I agree, but for the amount the showed, I just don't know. It would be really hard to get that much story into 24 episodes. 36 maybe, but that would basically be a 3 season run. Not many anime are blessed with 3 season runs. But, this one might be popular enough to get that far. -
anyone else think the slums looked too clean?
@lighthawk96 12-13 episodes for 3 volumes is more or less the norm for LN adaptations, of course, the best ratio would be 2 vols per cour, but you can make a decent 3 vol adaptation in that time frame (i.e. Overlord, which has a huge word-count). And SG volumes are rather short IMO, so 24-26 episodes for an adaptation up to Vol 6 doesn't seem that far-fetched to me.
Still, we'll have to wait, if the first vol gets up to ep 4, we could be looking at a 2-cour or maybe a split cour. If they end it all on the next episode or on ep3, welp, we're probably fucked.
@whyohwhy1 100% yes. It bugged me. It looked like a nice little village or something and not a place for sewer trash which is how he and his comrades are compared to as.
Also, I wonder why they cut out the prostitute. I'd argue that had a pretty positive impact on him going forward.
Please, oh please don't let this turn into another Arifureta. That would be cataclysmic for my psyche. -
@whyohwhy1 yeah too clean.
or for me its too "open" from what I see in the zoom out it should be inside the wall. and for something inside walled city it has too much open space. -
The worst I’ve seen is Ragnarok where they crammed 7 volumes into 12 episodes, it was a complete disaster and one of the worst anime’s I have ever seen.
@kilocron I agree much too clean and tidy inside and out. I would not expect it to be quite as messy as my flat, but it definitely should not look like it had been freshly scrubbed!
The outside looked like it was part of a small village rather than a slum. I would expect closely packed building with not gardens.
It is a shame the dropped Gigi (the prostitute) but it is understandable as she only survives a very short time and
we only see her sister and child twice.Anyone one else noticed that they used the same picture for the inside wall of the shack and one of the dungeon walls?
One slightly worrying change is Celia says she is learning magic at the academe.
Anyone else have difficulties with the subtitles. They would stick and then jump two or three sections, or was it just me?
Apart from that it looked reasonable.
Yeah. It was pretty bad. But not as bad as Arifureta. -
@kbaggy said in Seirei Gensouki Anime Announcement:
One slightly worrying change is Celia says she is learning magic at the academe.
I caught that too, let’s hope they have her as a teacher in the next episode.
Technically what was said was true, she is expanding her magical knowledge and learning more about magic but more as research rather than the implied student. After all she in also a residing professor.
@kbaggy said in Seirei Gensouki Anime Announcement:
One slightly worrying change is Celia says she is learning magic at the academe.
Oh, that one's a mistranslation. What Celia actually said (if I heard it correctly) was「私、ベルトラン王立学院教えてくるから。」which you can translate as "I'm a professor at the Beltrum Royal Academy."
Edit: It seems that there's an ongoing crowdfunding for the anime, and it's currently halfway the target with 85 days remaining.
@albertrojas Thank you I was hoping that was the case. So it is good to know.
@lighthawk96 The official anime website has already revealed this season will be 12 episodes (split between 2 bluray boxes). -
@albertrojas said in Seirei Gensouki Anime Announcement:
Edit: It seems that there's an ongoing crowdfunding for the anime, and it's currently halfway the target with 85 days remaining.
I assume you're talking about this?
・『精霊幻想記』の広告・PRSo, the anime has already finished production, so funding will be used to produce and distribute merchandise, illustrations, short stories, etc. plus bills and marketing.
Given Seirei's anime adaptation will only be getting 12 episodes, how many volumes could they reasonably adapt for the anime? -
@zz2000 said in Seirei Gensouki Anime Announcement:
Given Seirei's anime adaptation will only be getting 12 episodes, how many volumes could they reasonably adapt for the anime? how many times anime studios have pushed the boundaries of what is reasonable here I shudder to even think about it. There have been so many stories ruined by adaptations cutting important scenes and burning through volumes.
@zz2000 Are you defining "reasonably" as a normal human would, or "reasonably" as in how fast can you burn through volumes? Because if it's the latter, I'd like to point out that the recent series Hakyu Hoshin Engi did an entire completed 23-volume manga... as a 23-episode series. If you want something actually reasonable, then two to four is probably what you'd get for a 12-episode series.
@zz2000 I'm still in doubt with this one. All they announced was that BDs 1 and 2 will have 6 episodes each, not that the anime will only have 2 Blu-ray releases.
Ultimately, it depends on whether the anime's pacing is fast or slow, because if it's the latter, we might be seeing a 24 episode, or even a split-cour here.
I guess I'm just being optimistic here after watching episode 1. It's honestly slower than I thought it would be. That might change in later episodes, but that remains to be seen.
if there really is only 12 episode,
episode 2 should end in Haruto trying to escape the false charge after the forest training incident.
then episode 3-4 would be Seirei no Tami, 6-7 the Yagumo.
or burn the Seirei no Tami to 1 episode, and Yagumo to 1 episode then at least the story would start at episode 6 or 7.quite sure it would be horribly passed tho.
and honestly after Arifureta and Blade Dance, I put little to no expectation to any anime adaptation and just enjoy it for the seiyu and all my favorite character being animated.
yeah I forget/ignore the story it is all about fan service. -
@zz2000 I just posted that exact link just 2 posts above yours but okay...