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Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion
@Justaidan said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
@Tube If the anime ever does get a 3rd season then I can't imagine it will go well; there has been too much foreshadowing, character development and world building from the LN skipped at this stage and that is only going to compound as the anime goes on.
I believe the anime will get at least 5 seasons and they will all do well.
There other shows which are quite a bit longer that aren't nearly as good.
@Tube said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
Damn if this episode felt rushed. Instead of going into detail to a single one of the problems at hand it felt like they just touched all of them without really explaining any. Maybe I am just biased after reading the light novel, but I felt like I wouldn't have really understood anything if I hadn't read it.
I don't feel like it was rushed. Some stuff was skipped over, sure, but nothing important.
@Tube said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
Damn if this episode felt rushed. Instead of going into detail to a single one of the problems at hand it felt like they just touched all of them without really explaining any. Maybe I am just biased after reading the light novel, but I felt like I wouldn't have really understood anything if I hadn't read it.
Yeah, that's my impression of it too. There is too much detail, too many characters and too much world building in the LN for it to be adequately adapted to screen without a lot of additional episodes for each volume.
@Heldawn said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
I believe the anime will get at least 5 seasons and they will all do well.
What's the basis for that belief though?
Just a warning in advance but anime series often only exist to sell the LNs and won't be made beyond that. So don't get your expectations up for that many additional seasons and certainly not a complete adaptation.
@Heldawn said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
I believe the anime will get at least 5 seasons and they will all do well.
What's the basis for that belief though?
Just a warning in advance but anime series often only exist to sell the LNs and won't be made beyond that. So don't get your expectations up for that many additional seasons and certainly not a complete adaptation.
@Heldawn Can you give a head's up next time on the spoiler so it is less risky to open.
The popularity of future arc doesn't matter and could in fact work against the anime since you want people to move to the LNs.
Again pointing out that anime often only exist to sell the LNs. If bookworm season 1 (both cours were ordered at the same time) make people interested in the LNs then there is no reason for more seasons and if it doesn't there is no reason for more seasons. It's only the small intermediate gaps where those in charge think they will get more conversion of viewers to readers when additional seasons happen.
Remember, I am just saying this so you don't get your hopes up. There are a horde of excellent series that never got another season.
@Justaidan said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
@Heldawn Can you give a head's up next time on the spoiler so it is less risky to open.
The popularity of future arc doesn't matter and could in fact work against the anime since you want people to move to the LNs.
Again pointing out that anime often only exist to sell the LNs. If bookworm season 1 (both cours were ordered at the same time) make people interested in the LNs then there is no reason for more seasons and if it doesn't there is no reason for more seasons. It's only the small intermediate gaps where those in charge think they will get more conversion of viewers to readers when additional seasons happen.
Remember, I am just saying this so you don't get your hopes up. There are a horde of excellent series that never got another season.
I'll keep that in mind.
But you have a point. One can hope more will be covered.
What gives this a higher chance of having more seasons is the fact a 2nd season has already aired more than anything else.
@Heldawn said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
But you have a point. One can hope more will be covered.
What gives this a higher chance of having more seasons is the fact a 2nd season has already aired more than anything else.I'd love to see an adaptation that took its time with the series.
Sorry to mention this (and really am, hate to have to point out the unlikelihood to someone hoping for another season) as well but there hasn't technically been a second season yet, the 24 episodes currently airing were all requested at the same time as one batch. Then it was split into two cours. If the series gets another season after this it will be in response to how the first 24 episodes performed.
That's why I am saying not to get your hopes up.
@Justaidan the author of the light novel did say something intresting though about the anime. She wanted to give a name to one of the orphans. But the name she choose is a name for a charicture that shows up way later, The end of part 3 I think, so it got rejected.
So that basicly means absolutely nothing but it could point out that there is or was the intention for more seasons past this.
@Walksauce We've no idea unfortunately.
LNs are easy enough to make, especially if they start as low cost WNs, but anime are expensive, require studios and there are a some very big hurdles to another season.
Plus animation studios tend to be booked out for years in advance so shows with sudden popularity take ages to get another season because there is no space. Attack on Titan was one such show (I think).
But, hey, the LN isn't going anywhere :)
26 not 24. -
Is there even a "most popular part of the LN"? It's to my understanding that there is no like, "most popular" part, and that like, people are just liking it more each time a new volume comes out more or less. Part 5 is the only one that would be out of the running since only 1 volume is out for it.
@Quof I believe that it spiked in popularity in japan around part 4. I think That's likely the part they are refering to.
@Walksauce said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
@Quof I believe that it spiked in popularity in japan around part 4. I think That's likely the part they are refering to.
It spiked in part 3/4 for popularity. That's what I'm referring to. It's not to which is more popular, but which part spiked it's population in Japan initially.
@Heldawn Oh, that's fair then.
@Walksauce Myne's cheeks will get more abuse, I'm just wondering if we will get to see it.
After watching the last episode a few times I thought it was enjoyable that the meeting had Ferdinand showing a subtle Solomon like quality.
I suspect the anime is leaving out things from the novel on purpose. If you go on Crunchyroll and read the comments there's quite often people in there going "they left out X from the novel" or "this was explained so much better in the novel". And to be fair, even with that stuff left out, the anime is amazing. What better advertisement is there for the light novel if the anime is so amazing and everyone in the comments says the novel is better?
It is my hope more seasons will come after season 2 ends. As a lot of anime that has come out hasn't been all that interesting. There are only two anime this season I've even bothering to watch. It isn't like I haven't watch some others, there just the same old, same old all the time. The stories just don't interest me. This anime is one of them that does.
I believe there is a good chance too, still because it is about the spike of popularity for the LN not the most most popular volume. You'd think showing the anime to wear the popularity spiked for the LN would lead to another spike in the LN's popularity especially if that's where the end it. Ending it now would be premature. Though cost of production probably has a lot to do with.
But with how many anime I see coming out every season, I'm amazed by the sheer volume, but in the end it is quantity in my opinion that we are getting and not quality. This quantity thing needs to die a harsh death, because I want something good to watch like this anime. So if it turns out this one doesn't continue, then I hope we get something good for once to replace it, like it was.
I'm just hoping that either this season or next we see some Johann, because we need my boy Johann.
@pcj The anime introduced me to the light novel which introduced me to j-novel club.
@LIbri-Liberorum said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
Cover your mouth when using the secret-talking magic items. This prevents evesdroping by lip reading, and even more importantly, saves budget on animating speech.
I was laughing my butt off this week thanks to this comment. Even though it would've made more sense to cover the mouth using the tool in their storyline discussion, it looks like the animators took your comment personally and went on the opposite direction. (If that is so, thanks for the hard work animators!)