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Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion
Myne: "In Bed?!"
Hidden room is awesome! Finally I understood the layout of where does that room locate in relation to the bed.
@Philip-h5 Well to be fair, the framing device of the anime ever since ep 1 is that Ferdinand is exploring Myne's memories. That happens in like Part 2 Volume 3 if I remember right.
We're still in Part 2 Volume 1 territory at the moment. He simply hasn't mellowed out around Myne yet.
@hiroto said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
Myne: "In Bed?!"
Hidden room is awesome! Finally I understood the layout of where does that room locate in relation to the bed.
Finally it falls on place. Still, the bed in the main area doesn't fit my sensibilities.
@cosm1cfall the memory scan happens at the end of P2V2.
@cosm1cfall said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
@Philip-h5 Well to be fair, the framing device of the anime ever since ep 1 is that Ferdinand is exploring Myne's memories. That happens in like Part 2 Volume 3 if I remember right.
We're still in Part 2 Volume 1 territory at the moment. He simply hasn't mellowed out around Myne yet.
You are right. Until she demonstrates her full trust in him to fix his broken calculator situation, it probably will not soften.
I can’t contribute too much outside to day my friend group and immediate family are really enjoying the anime. Was trying to get my Mother into using the app on her phone to watch it but it’s a non-starter.
Is there any news on an EU or just an English release for Blu-Ray? I’ve only seen Japanese versions on eBay. Also just in case, is there an official place for merc? Managed to get some badges and keychains to hand out, but no Mayne family crests or (if I dream big) blue robes. Heck I’d even doll out for a Gilberta Company mug! -
@AnyNameFor1 Crunchyroll has the bluray rights, and probably merchandise as well. If they deem it profitable enough to release either is up to them. Just next month (some people have already received it via Rightstuf), they are releasing, through Discotek, Konosuba season 1 on bluray, more than four years after it initially aired. They have a ton of anime that they have home video rights to that aired in between Konosuba and Bookworm, so we may have to wait quite some time before we see a Bookworm bluray, though hopefully faster than four years.
There shouldn't be anything stopping you from buying Japanese merch, if the stores are even shipping internationally in this crisis. -
@LegitPancake thank you for the quick reply. Which Japanese stores have the best merchandise? I haven’t seen much outside CDs or Blu-Ray.
I’ll keep my fingers crossed for Crunchyroll. -
@LegitPancake The delay is what I don't like about Crunchyroll having the rights... Although, with Konosuba, they priced it better than Funimation would.
I wonder if, in 2023 or so, we'll see such pricing on Bookworm?
@SomeOldGuy fingers crossed for a similar collectors edition to Japan too.
The YouTube channel "Mother's Basement" has done an episode on The Art of World building on Ascendance of a Bookworm. Using the LN,Manga, and Anime as references.
Hindered by my minute knowledge of Japanese, I managed to find a little Bookworm merch:
I also found
which seems to have the same selection. Other series at this site have plastic figures, so I presume the absence means there aren't any. -
I posted this to the newest thread about light novels, but I was guided here. Spoilers for those who are not up to date with the light novel on this site (part 2, volume 4, epilogue).
Episode 20 (Path Ahead for Lutz) 10:54
There is a bed in the background of the shot.
Ferdinand holds meetings with commoners in his bedroom?
Ferdinand's bedroom is the size of a ballroom? -
Damn if this episode felt rushed. Instead of going into detail to a single one of the problems at hand it felt like they just touched all of them without really explaining any. Maybe I am just biased after reading the light novel, but I felt like I wouldn't have really understood anything if I hadn't read it.
Wow, that closed up Vol 2 part 1. Six episodes in I guess is halfway. Pretty cool how she's next to her flower in the opener.
@Tube it seemed too compressed. Karla speaking for Deid and not being confused over his position was a different sort of blow. At least sufficient attention/meaning was conveyed between Ferdinand & Myne after. Compared to the LN it's overly glossed over.
@LIbri-Liberorum the single room concept for nobles at temple is baffling to me as well. Not even temporary partitions to the bed area.
I wonder if the ceremonial robes part is going to be skipped. LN timeline had that at Star Festival . -
Cover your mouth when using the secret-talking magic items. This prevents evesdroping by lip reading, and even more importantly, saves budget on animating speech.
@LIbri-Liberorum I'm sure they used all of thier budget on Ferdinand pulling myne's cheeks.
@Tube If the anime ever does get a 3rd season then I can't imagine it will go well; there has been too much foreshadowing, character development and world building from the LN skipped at this stage and that is only going to compound as the anime goes on.
I'm really liking the anime thus far and I like the fact we get to see Ferdinand and Myne interacting with one each other. I think that seeing that while Ferdinand is helping Myne grow as a Blue Robed Priestess, Myne is helping Ferdinand grow as a person. I say this becuase you see how Ferdinand has shut out all of the world and put away all of his emotions and how Myne slowly chips away at the barriers Ferdinand has put up in order to shut out the world. Reading it is one thing but seeing it is a bit more profound in this case I think.