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Is it Tough Being a Friend?
As Terrence mentioned, volume 9 comes out this week. So here's the cover.
Of all the GAGAGA licenses I know, I feel like this has the best chance of being licensed. It seems accessible, fun, and plenty of volumes out! I really hope it is licensed so we can start the influx of GAGAGA
@Traestaree I get the feeling that Bottom-tier Character is doing well, better than Yen expected and that as a result we’ll see more and more GAGAGA. I don’t know if they’ll let anyone but Yen get the licenses though...
@the-green-death I agree, but I'm hoping that given the fact that Oregairu should start wrapping up by 2021 or 2022 and imosae in either 2022 or 2023, we may see Chiramune or Shioama try to replace that market. Friend character seems more like a one-size-fits-all license that anyone could pick up.
BW Link
Volume 10 came out last month. Looks like the series has ended. Would be nice if someone would license it. -
I love meta-humor and romcoms so I'm in, you have my support.