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Ascendance of a Bookworm - Official Fanbooks
@hiroto said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - Official Fanbooks:
First one is "Short stories compilation 1", which gathered various short stories from:
- Formerly unpublished Web Noble SS
- Bonus short stories which were only available to reader who purchased paper edition directly from TO Books online store of from limited number collaboration stores.
It cover wide range of years, thus there is little Myne and bigger Rozemyne on the cover and published after P4V8.
Does this over lap with Fanbook 1-5 e.g stories in this also contain in fanbook. Or they both contain different side stories
Should J-novel license Fanbook 1-5 or This Short stories compilation 1 -
@crowdcontrol I am sure we all know what the fans are hoping for, but whether or not it is feasible is probably "confidential buusiness information."
Unless of course, it suddenly happens and we get both...
Everyone appear to be talking about fanbook and Gaiden. I just had a look at what's is described to be inside the fanbook and it only contain 1-5 short stories per book. Its appears to be a very small book. Wouldn't getting the Short Stories Compilation 1 be much better, contains 21 Short stories. Gaiden, contains 18 short stories. Maybe Gaiden is the Short Stories Compilation 2?
@crowdcontrol said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - Official Fanbooks:
Everyone appear to be talking about fanbook and Gaiden. I just had a look at what's is described to be inside the fanbook and it only contain 1-5 short stories per book. Its appears to be a very small book. Wouldn't getting the Short Stories Compilation 1 be much better, contains 21 Short stories. Gaiden, contains 18 short stories. Maybe Gaiden is the Short Stories Compilation 2?
The Gaiden came out before the Short Short Compilation (Part 4 Volume 4 vs Part 4 Volume 8) so it would not be Short Short Compilation 2. The chapters in the Gaiden are from a very specific time period in the story and contains 10 completely newly written chapters (the remaining 8 adapted WN SS chapters) whereas the Short Story Compilation contains chapters from Part 1 to Part 4 and none of which are new to a rabid Japanese fan. I believe the Short Story Compilation contains 2 chapters from fanbook 2.
This isn't a situation of they either license the fanbooks or Gaiden or Short Story Compilation - they can get everything - but if it were a choice between the Short Story Compilation or the fanbooks, I would tell J-Novel Club to get the fanbooks because the Q&A's answer a lot of questions I constantly see people asking.Short Story Compilation Table of Contents
Ah I see. It be a long time before Gaiden and SS Compilation 1 will be translated then, since it involves content up to Part 4 V4 and Part 4 V8
While fanbook 1 and 2 is relevant to us -
@crowdcontrol said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - Official Fanbooks:
Does this over lap with Fanbook 1-5 e.g stories in this also contain in fanbook.
There are some overwrap that some of WN SS stories are included in both. But as far as I can tell, fan book original stories are not included in short story compilation.
@LurkingMcLurk said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - Official Fanbooks:
Short Story Compilation contains chapters from Part 1 to Part 4 and none of which are new to a rabid Japanese fan
... to a rabid Japanese fan
who purchase print book directly from TO Books online store or collaborating book stores which comes with special bonuses
.I purchase ebooks from US Amazon, so I don't have access to those bonus stories, so the short story compilation contained quite a bit of fresh contents for me.
The type of rabid fan I have in mind is very extreme. The type of person that if five different stores each got a different bonus they would buy five different copies so you wouldn't quite fit the type of person I have in mind as you make the much more sensible choice to just buy the eBooks than going through a giant hassle to got these chapters upon release. Anyway the point was rather that if somebody really wanted them they could get them before the Short Short Compilation was released (but a rabid fan would still buy it anyway). -
... and who buys two sets of $100+ tea cups to read both edition of short stories come with them. Me, not so rabid fan just wait for it to be included in the compilation book.
@hiroto No, you'd be spending $100+ for a short story, and they throw in the tea cups as a bonus.
@crowdcontrol said in Miya Kazuki: "Please ask J-Novel Club to translate "Fan Book"":
@Rahul-Balaggan I don't know the difference between fanbook and side stories collections. Aren't fanbook side stories collections?
@hiroto said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - Official Fanbooks:
Here are the contents of the Fanbooks.
Fanbook 1 (88 pages)
- Published after Part 3 Volume 2
- Cover and clip arts up to Part 3 Vol 2
- Rough sketch of art works
- One original short story
- Character design notes
- One original manga
- Author Q&A (Very long)
- Short mangas by the illustrator
Fanbook 2 (139 pages)
- Published after Part 3 Volume 5
- Five short stories (some original, some former special bonus contents)
- CD Recording report manga (manga writer and author went to recording of drama CD and this is their experience).
- CD Recording report story (by the author)
- Character design notes
- Nobles family tree
- Author Q&A (long)
- One original manga
- Short mangas by the illustrator
Fanbook 3 (99 pages)
- Published after Part 4 Volume 4
- Cover and clip arts up to Part 4 Vol 4
- Materials from collaboration event they had with a Printing Museum
- Rough sketch of art works
- One short story
- One manga
- Character design notes
- One manga by Part 3 artist
- [something spoiling by just mentioning]
- Author Q&A
- Illustrator's manga
Fanbook 4 (146 pages)
- Published after Part 4 Volume 8
- Cover and clip arts up to Part 4 Volume 8
- X'mas cards and drama CD cover arts
- Anime design notes
- Rough sketch of art works
- One manga
- One short story
- Character design notes
- God and Goddess design notes
- One manga by Part 3 artist
- CD 3 Recording report manga
- CD 3 Recording report story (by the author)
- Author Q&A
- Illustrator's manga
Regarding the side story books, I believe one covers Part 4, and the other covers stories from Part 3 to 4 (might have some from Part 2 too).
They also include some of the side stories that are exclusively included with each volume sold from TO BOOKS in Japan. (The ones we're missing out on, unfortunately). I imported the Japanese books for this very reason, and those stories are really great.
For example, for Volume 3 of Part 3 that we just finished reading, a side story about Lamprecht has been bundled with it. The story takes place after Wilfried's situation was known and Lamprecht seeking advice from his family about his future.
Things that surprised about this storyEdit: Oh, I see that your question was answered in the other thread :)
Quick question, is there a comprehensive list of all published side stories and their translation/publication status?
With Japanese LN publishing in general (not just Bookworm), I really can't understand the bizarre proliferation of special versions. It is unreasonably difficult to read everything legally in English, or even to know what's available at all.
Small rant For example, Maruyama released a "bonus volume" of Overlord available to those who purchased all three seasons on Blu Ray. He then got upset (on Twitter, claiming that this sapped his motivation to continue writing) when he was told about this volume being pirated. Well, sorry dude. I do own the full series on Blu Ray and would happily buy the bonus volume if any legal path existed (just as I have legally purchased all volumes currently available). Unfortunately, I'm not so saintly that I'm going to sit around waiting for some publisher to maybe officially bring it to the US at and unspecified future date.
The Japanese Bookworm wiki has a list of all chapters and whatnot, including ones that are LN specific, but that's arguably the closest. I'm not aware of an English version of that list.
@zwabbit said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - Official Fanbooks:
The Japanese Bookworm wiki has a list of all chapters and whatnot, including ones that are LN specific, but that's arguably the closest. I'm not aware of an English version of that list.
I see. Thank you. Unfortunately, my Japanese sucks. Meaning I currently have no idea what's even out there. How frustrating.
I realize that beggars can't be choosers, and maybe I'm wrong for expecting others to do what I want. But, for example, the publisher at least should have a vested interest in making their prospective customers aware of what's out there. I feel like they're half-assing one of the most important aspects of their entire reason for existence.
So the thing here is, with the fanbooks at least, since pretty much every fanbook after the first one relates to parts later than what has been officially translated, and due to Kazuki-sensei's habit of choosing titles that are spoilerly as all @#$@, even looking at such a list is liable to spoil you. So those of us that do know the Japanese could provide a translated list, but it'd need to be heavily curated, and there wouldn't be that many entries as a result, because so much of it relates to things in later parts.
@zwabbit I see. Personally, I don't mind spoilers (I still enjoy watching The Sixth Sense, for example). But I realize that most other readers are very against them and they are against the forum rules. I guess I will just have to live with the frustration.
Licensed by J-Novel Club
When and what part of the book will be streamed is not determined yet, according to the announcement.
Print will be available Oct 5, 2021.
Subsequent fan books will be worked on at the right spoiler free timing.