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Ascendance of a Bookworm - Official Fanbooks
If it were released at the right time then for me it'd be an instabuy. If necessary I'd even spend two premium credits on it.
I can’t see me not buying them if they become available in English.
Fifth fan book is in the works and would be read after Part 5 Volume 2.
@LurkingMcLurk said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - Official Fanbooks:
Fifth fan book is in the works and would be read after Part 5 Volume 2.
If it follows the regular pattern of past years, it is likely to be published between P5V3 (9/10) and P5V4 (12/10).
I posted about a dozen questions for the Q&A section. I hope some of them will be selected.
From a tweet echoed to the discord server: It sounds like J-novel would love to publish them, if the timing and liscences line up.
So they are definitely on the radar, at least.
link to message:
I wonder if they'll cost the same as the full books, or if J-Novel will only sell them in ebook stores for like half the price or something (since they can't change the price of premium credits with the way the site is set up now).
Though if it means taking Quof's time away from the series, I am less inclined for wanting them. -
@LegitPancake said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - Official Fanbooks:
I wonder if they'll cost the same as the full books, or if J-Novel will only sell them in ebook stores for like half the price or something (since they can't change the price of premium credits with the way the site is set up now).
Funnily enough if we look at the prices on TO BOOK's site the fan books cost more than the regular volumes by 100 to 400 yen.
@LurkingMcLurk I see. I just can predict the angry Amazon reviews now saying "I paid $7 for only 80 pages of Q&A, one short story, and some short manga?? Ripoff!!" But if it means J-Novel can get a better profit by charging the same as the normal books then I support that.
I know this may be greedy, but if JNC does license them, I would really only want Quof to translate the short stories and bonus mangas, and then let another translator to work on all the Q&A lol. Otherwise this could significantly postpone the main series translation. xD -
@LegitPancake said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - Official Fanbooks:
I know this may be greedy, but if JNC does license them, I would really only want Quof to translate the short stories and bonus mangas, and then let another translator to work on all the Q&A lol. Otherwise this could significantly postpone the main series translation. xD
They actually i something similar with The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Isekai, which was an anthology. Because there is no need for consistency between stories, they just split it between six translators.
Not that the Q & A should be that large of a portion...
Throwing my hat in as well to say that I'd definitely buy these! A physical copy would be amazing and would blow me away completely, but I'd definitely still buy it if it was digital only! I love Ascendance of a Bookworm, and I think I'd pretty much devour anything I could get for it.
@yoshikagequeen If they did release them physically it could be kinda tricky. They are way too short to release for English market individually (though I suppose it could be done), but if they released them in omnibus, it could mess up the read order. Though I could see them release them in 2-in-1 omnibuses like as "Part 3 fanbooks" and "Part 4 fanbooks" since there were two released for each part.
Q btw what about Bookworm fanbooks? Any news for us?
A Errr. The news is that we are errr probably going to do them but I don't laughs I don't want to get into anymore specifics. We haven't errr we will we will errr we will tell you more when we have more information about the Bookworm fanbooks. Seriously ehm working on it. Lets put it that way.It'd really suck if it doesn't happen because, say, TO BOOKS are asking for too much.
@LurkingMcLurk On plus side, there is hope. We know they are working on it. That gives me enough hope for now :)
@LurkingMcLurk said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - Official Fanbooks:
It'd really suck if it doesn't happen because, say, TO BOOKS are asking for too much.
I'll just say that Sam wouldn't publicly say that we were working on them if we didn't already pass that hurdle.
@myskaros said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - Official Fanbooks:
@LurkingMcLurk said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - Official Fanbooks:
It'd really suck if it doesn't happen because, say, TO BOOKS are asking for too much.
I'll just say that Sam wouldn't publicly say that we were working on them if we didn't already pass that hurdle.
So what you're saying is you're trying to figure how to release them without killing Quof and Kieran. Gotcha.
Updated the previous posts with fan book 5 information.
Fanbook 1 (88 pages)
- Published after Part 3 Volume 2
- Cover and clip arts up to Part 3 Vol 2
- Rough sketch of art works
- One original short story
- Character design notes
- One original manga
- Author Q&A (Very long)
- Short mangas by the illustrator
Fanbook 2 (139 pages)
- Published after Part 3 Volume 5
- Five short stories (some original, some former special bonus contents)
- CD Recording report manga (manga writer and author went to recording of drama CD and this is their experience).
- CD Recording report story (by the author)
- Character design notes
- Nobles family tree
- Author Q&A (long)
- One original manga
- Short mangas by the illustrator
Fanbook 3 (99 pages)
- Published after Part 4 Volume 4
- Cover and clip arts up to Part 4 Vol 4
- Materials from collaboration event they had with a Printing Museum
- Rough sketch of art works
- One short story
- One manga
- Character design notes
- One manga by Part 3 artist
- [something spoiling by just mentioning]
- Author Q&A
- Illustrator's manga
Fanbook 4 (146 pages)
- Published after Part 4 Volume 8
- Cover and clip arts up to Part 4 Volume 8
- X'mas cards and drama CD cover arts
- Anime design notes
- Rough sketch of art works
- One manga
- One short story
- Character design notes
- God and Goddess design notes
- One manga by Part 3 artist
- CD 3 Recording report manga
- CD 3 Recording report story (by the author)
- Author Q&A
- Illustrator's manga
Fanbook 5 (104 pages)
- Published after Part 5 Volume 3
- Cover and clip arts up to Part 5 volume 3
- Anime ending card gallery
- Anime character cards
- Various rough design sketches
- New Short Story
- One new manga by Suzuka
- One new manga by Namino
- Making of drama CD 4 report by Kazuki
- Making of drama CD 4 manga report by Suzuka
- Author Q&A
- Illustrator's manga
Kindle edition of all Japanese fan books are available from Amazon.
@hiroto said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - Official Fanbooks:
ublished after Part 3 Volume 5
So for Light Novel readers, at this point in time, we wouldn't be spoiled if Fanbook 1 was translated now, but will be spoiled if Fanbook 2 was translated
@crowdcontrol said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - Official Fanbooks:
@hiroto said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - Official Fanbooks:
ublished after Part 3 Volume 5
So for Light Novel readers, at this point in time, we wouldn't be spoiled if Fanbook 1 was translated now, but will be spoiled if Fanbook 2 was translated
Correct. Author also clarified the publication timing in her tweet -
Where does this book fit in
First one is "Short stories compilation 1", which gathered various short stories from:
- Formerly unpublished Web Noble SS
- Bonus short stories which were only available to reader who purchased paper edition directly from TO Books online store of from limited number collaboration stores.
It cover wide range of years, thus there is little Myne and bigger Rozemyne on the cover and published after P4V8.
The second one you showed is P1V1 of Jr edition. Jr edition has same text contents as main LN series, but it has full ruby for all kanji and targeted for elementary school readers.