@heimdal7 Yeah. Thankfully, the villainess (in the proper meaning of the term) shares the same lack of critical skills, on top of being lazy and spoiled as heck. She is a serious problem, but more in the terms of preventing her from escalating and defusing her without severe consequences.
She would be orders of magnitude worse a threat if she could apply herself to the task of honing her magical and social manipulation skills. Luckily, she seems largely incapable of looking beyond short-term convenience. She may have a gamer solipsism complex, but she lacks any notion of properly building up her RPG character. Min-maxing, level-grinding isekai MCs would laugh or weep at her waste of potential.
Asbert means well, but is likely going to need a sustained re-education effort by his strong-willed, no-nonsense wife, once Nicole drags him to the altar and likely becomes the power behind the throne.
Claire and Vik continue to enjoy excellent synch and seamless transition from adventuring companions to teen lovebirds and vice versa. Their battlefield is the ballroom, but they are still very much a Battle (and Ruling) Couple (one of the best kinds of romance).
The author keeps things G-rated, but I cannot believe they are not going to f**k like rabbits when those fade to black moments happen. I doubt premarital passion getting physical is going to be a problem for them. After all, one of their duties is to fill the royal household with children. Morever, in all likelihood existence of magic tends to improve the social status of women and make sexual morality less conservative (with partners that are a good eugenic fit) in premodern cultures.
As far as I can tell, Claire might well be a few months and a rampaging sister away from getting a ring on her finger and a princess' diadem on her head. Although for the life of me I cannot understand why they delayed making the engagement official. It just complicates things.
Yeah, they got embarassed by the funny teleporting accident, but it was unexpected, and Dion and Keith get caught in the mess. It kind of seemed they were going to have a threesome.