I am honestly disappointed with the artist for not giving us an anthropomorphic Myne-Fish for the doesn't that make me like a fish? panel :(
And Tuuli was downright savage at the end of the chapter!
And then when Myne discusses making a new hairpin... Effa and Tuuli look determined, but I think Gunther's going to literally explode in that panel...
I don't think I've ever seen Lutz with eyes that were quite that dead before.
Wait, he means me?! Watch yourself, Myne. That level of obliviousness is how you attract harems! And once this series becomes a harem comedy, you'll never get to finish your book...
Myne resists sweets as well as I do!
Freida has a mean set of puppy-dog eyes on her...
Seems like everything weird I've come across in the last half a year comes from one source. You.
That... isn't going to change much going forwards, I'm afraid...
Well, these are probably the funniest faces I've seen Effa make!
Yes, Myne, you totally nailed the look of disappointment at missing pig killing day!
First Myne, then Benno... must be something weird about Lutz's hair this chapter...
LN: “That’s a secret, and not one you’ll be buying with small golds, either.”
Manga: "That's a secret, and one I won't sell, no matter how many golds you offer."
Interesting to see her rejection of Benno's curiosity is stronger in the manga!
Still, both versions ended up with Myne sticking her tongue out at Benno. Nice continuity between the mediums!
Ahh, poor Gunther. He looked so proud of his chunk of trombe-trunk, too!
You little merchant, you.
Apparently, Effa and Tuuli forgot how much Myne said they'd get paid for the winter handiwork...
Myne's utter inability to look innocent seems to be something she got from Effa :)
Ahh, Lutz looks just the right height for an armrest...
Ooh, merchant ambush! I like the one-frame warning of Benno's boot creeping into shot behind the kids :)