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How do i start after making a premium membership?
so i have just registered for premium membership to read Rokujouma and everytime i click read the pre-epub, the website just reload itself with the volume picture changing, but thats all.
can i read it through the browser or do i need to download app for reading? -
Click the big READ NOW! blue button under the cover of the volume. It will open the browser reader. Or you can use the app as you said yourself.
yeah, this is an issue with JNCs web design as a whole. I hope they fix this soon.
You have to select a part, going from the volume itself won't redirect you to the pre-pub.
@moneng-cengkreng Imho, the app works better so long as you have a device that you would be able to read comfortably. If you dont have a phone or tablet that would work than make sure to check the advice others have given.
They're better at explaining it than I am.