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New Feature: Super Authentic Mode!
Do you read your manga from left to right?
Of course not!
So why are you still reading your light novels that way? And you lose so much of the original subcontext when you ignore the original vertical writing format...
So we here at J-Novel Club have finally decided to do something about it!Introducing: Super Authentic Mode! The only reading mode appropriate for TRUE FANS(tm). Starting today, April 1st, all prepubs will default to Super Authentic Mode (web reader only).
Now English speaking light novel fans can finally get the true authentic experience they've been waiting for, and only at J-Novel Club.
(Happy April Fools! You can turn it off by clicking the button (or pressing the "a" key for "authentic" )
bought a manga on Kobo(by accident) and it was right to left(couldn't figure that out for the life of me) lol.
Oh god! I wonder how Text To Speech programs will react to this...
@galactuskahn24 said in New Feature: Super Authentic Mode!:
bought a manga on Kobo(by accident) and it was right to left(couldn't figure that out for the life of me) lol.
Once you go manga, you never want to go back. Reading Chi's Sweet Home Complete is frustrating to me since it goes left to right. xP
Edit: How does I access this L33T new feature? I don't see it! T.T
@terrence I had a bit of last minute development (to prevent it from activating on mobile where you couldn't see the disable button), but just reload now ;)
So how do you turn it off if your reading on a tablet?
@lighthawk96 I think you figured it out but there should be a button on the upper left that says "disable super authentic mode". It might be partially hidden depending on your screen aspect ratio.
Yeah it was. Good to go now. I could only see the "D" in disable which is why I was having such a hard time. -
----------------------E-----NFor Normies: I am a TRUE FAN this is AWESOME
Can’t believe you actually implemented it! Happy April fool’s JNC!
Heh. Happy April Fool's. That is funny. :)
will translate '''death march'' this novel is very good. I see the anime and very forthis reason I cuestion if will be translate death march
@roberto-ramos I don't think this is the right place to post that, but anyways, Death March is already licensed by Yen Press, so JNC can't take it.
@paulnamida I have to wonder if it's some kind of parody of being a "true fan".
@roberto-ramos If you go to any BAM or Barnes & Noble or even Amazon, you can buy the first 4 volumes of Death March. It might be harder to get if you’re not in the US though I guess.
@legitpancake There's always the Kindle version, at least that's how I get Death March, importing them would be too costly.
Apparently Super Authentic Mode is still accessible. Sweet.
@cosm1cfall I left it in as an Easter egg.