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Master of Ragnarok and Blesser of Einherjar anime
They're doing so by skipping virtually all the narration.
To be fair, a lot of the volumes are narration.
But what sets the series apart from other isekais is the explanation of military tactics/technologies and why they're so effective. Without it, it becomes yet another cookie cutter isekai.
@village-idiot The battles are what sets this series apart for me. Massive, epic battles. Rush them, like they did with the Hoof, and this series loses its unique appeal. If they blaze thru the fight with Steinporr, I will be disappointed.
Yuuto "cheats" by using his smartphone. He admits he cheats in the anime. When are they going to show/tell how he's cheating?
yeah looks like I'll be avoiding this anime for a while, i would rather not have the LN spoiled and it looks like that will be the case.
One and a half episodes in and I already feel like dropping this show. Well at least Isekai Maou's adaptation is pretty good. 1 out of 2 ain't so bad for JNC.
Lol it's not even getting a weekly review by ANN, though Demon Lord is. Can't say I'm surprised.
@cosm1cfall you want rushed look at the knights and Magic anime they got a whole volume, into the first episode.
This anime seems to be this year's poster child for "Isekai should go away". I feel like this one has more going for it than other Isekai light novel wise though (love interest is stuck back on Earth / different time period, and he refuses his other suitors to wait for her early on; Norse focus; the full time skip early on is a unique idea).
Some people upset that a smartphone is being used as a plot device again too (I remember feeling like when I read volume 1 it was used better here than it was in the Smartphone light novels).
@galactuskahn24 Well, as @Village-Idiot said, they are skipping a lot of the (expanatory) narration, which lets them skip a lot of the volume. I also thought that they rushed the climatic battle with the Hoof clan. Yes, Sigrun (Please fix that, Crunchyroll.) did finish him off in fairly short order, but they really glossed over how much her cavalry-based attacks had worn them down. Yes, they showed the effects on the Hoof clan's troops, but they almost made it look like Yuuto's strategy was more luck than actually thought out.
In fact, now I'm starting to think that maybe this wasn't the best LN to adapt into an anime.
@legitpancake I think Demon Lord may be the surprise hit/guilty pleasure of this season.
@paul-nebeling Nah, Log Horizon has tons of narration as well but they managed to adapt it nicely by having the characters say the narration.
Of course, each Log Horizon season was 24 episodes so they had the time for properly adapting narration.
@terrence but his smartphone is pretty s*** in comparison to Touyas godly smartphone.
@village-idiot Demon Lord isn't exactly short on Diablo's internalized dialog either, but they are managing to get that in. Still, not explaining how Yuuto comes up with these ideas feels like it's weakening the story. On the other hand, I've heard him mention Sun Tsu, and the Hoof clan's patriarch was complaining about his men being sleep deprived. It's like the information is there, but if you're not looking for it, you'll miss it.
I do feel like the anime is going to blow by JNC's translation very quickly.
@galactuskahn24 see I am in the “knowledge is power” camp. I actually think Touya can survive without his phone at this point, however with Yuuto his Smartphone puts him one step ahead at all an extent of course.
@galactuskahn24 Well, Touya's smartphone was modified by God, so calling it "godly" isn't wrong. Keep in mind that Yuuto can call his childhood friend, while the only person Touya can call is God. Kind of makes you wonder if he's called anyone besides her?
@rahul-balaggan I mean Toya is a literal God at this point with no downsides. Yuuto , is just an intelligent Japanese kid, in a bronze age world that just has a ounce of magic.
@rahul-balaggan Agreed, but as we saw in the latest part, knowledge doesn't always translate in instant success. Though we don't see it to the same extent, Touya does use his smartphone in a similar fashion. Touya does have Babylon as well. That's a pretty large pool of knowledge that his smartphone can't compete with.
One recurring issue I've noticed with anime adaptations is where should the series end, after all when an author is writing anything he has to be first and foremost concerned with telling his story, and that does not always translate to giving the anime a convenient end point. Maybe that is the case here where there is some point several novels in that would make the perfect climax but since that means they have a lot to adapt the anime staff are rushing to get to that point, hence the rushed pacing and cut dialog.
@eternal-wanderer You make a good point. I checked on Novel Updates and in Japan 16 volumes have been released.
Personally, JNC's translated parts are all I have to go off of, but apparently that barely scratches the surface of the source material. I seriously hope you're right and they're trying to get to a really good part we're as of yet unaware of.
Too bad that doesn't excuse character design straight out of 2006, often off-model art, and lazy shot composition.
@cosm1cfall Just to be 100% clear everything I said was just speculation. I have no idea where this series is going. Totally agree on the art issues though.
@Eternal-Wanderer @cosm1cfall Isn't deciding what material to adapt or not called Series Composition? For some reason, I can see that person being almost as important as the director in making or breaking an anime. I'd have to check my notes, but I do believe that there are a mid-teen number of volumes of this LN and I can't remember when the latest volume was published, but I agree, JNC hasn't even scratched the surface yet.
FWIW, Demon King Daimaou adapted five volumes and Rokujouma did about six and a half. Both of those animes were pretty good and didn't feel rushed. In fact, I was a little surprised how much of Diamaou had been adapted as the translation progressed.
Still, I really like this story and would rather not have it get spoiled by the anime.