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Master of Ragnarok and Blesser of Einherjar anime
@paul-nebeling How many episodes each volume needs varies from book to book. I will admit I don't know exactly what determines that but it does vary a lot. For example Rokka no Yuusha only adapted a single volume in 12 episodes but in spite of that the plot felt fine to me. On the other end of the spectrum we have series like Rokujouma which adapted far more volumes but was still fairly enjoyable.
However in Rokojouma's case I still feel there were some issues. In the original novel each girl except Ruth each got a chapter dedicated to them when they showed up whereas in the anime they each showed up right after each other. Mind you I actually enjoyed that sequence since I liked the absurdity of it but because of that we don't really get a chance to know any of them which was kinda the point of volume 1.
As for Daimaio I haven't seen all of it so I personally can't comment on it.
Just chiming in to say the name translations changes annoyed me & damn is this flying by - it'll be like two eps till OP redhead bloke gets nailed by the flood & will they even show the flash back volume?!
It must be difficult to take source material and try to figure out what to include and what to exclude. They only have a limited amount of minutes in their overall runtime to present us a good story and I imagine trying to piece together a good storyline is challenging. Do you want action, fan-service, narration, world building...etc.
An example that comes to mind comes from the Smartphone adaptation. In the LNs there were the scenes where Touya hung up the two adventure teams outside of Reflet and then the part where the spoiled nobles insulted Elze and Touya goes off on them. I think those parts show us that yea, Touya gets mad and goes off and he always isn't the happy-go-lucky space cadet he presents the rest of the time. Why did they decide to leave those out?
I haven't read the LNs of this particular series yet since I knew the anime was coming out and didn't want to set any expectations based on the source material. With that said...this one isn't good at all for the many reasons you all have already pointed out. I am dropping it.
Wow, I took a look at episode 3 but it was really bad imo. Here's a list of what comes to mind:
I understand skipping narration parts or the like, but they totally skipped parts that show key traits of the characters imo. They are assuming way too many things. If I had seen the anime before reading the LN I would be utterly confused honestly. And I'm not even sure it would have made me want to pick up the LN at all.
@terabyte so you're saying it fails the three episode test and deserves to be dropped?
@cosm1cfall I'll probably watch it entirely at some point, but yeah, for now I'm going to drop it. Sam also mention that the translated LN right now covers up to episode 6, so I'll just watch it all after the translation has caught up most likely.
When a new episode is out I don't get the urge to go and watch it right away, unlike other anime. For example I consider the adaptation of How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord to be better. It still skips things here and there, but not as much as Ragnarok from what I've seen so far.
@terabyte yeah it’s quite scary when a anime skips volumes in like 1-2 episodes. I’m dropping it as well. Will watch is maybe 2 years from now tho when I’m bored enough.
I take back what I said about the scriptwriter. I think whatever ideas they had, they end up getting shot down by the director. I'll be putting this title on the backlog too since it ruins my impression of the novels.
@shrike_al I actually hope it doesn't actually hurt novel sales... That would be really good data and really terrible for our business ;)
I cant imagine anyone reading the novels already will drop them because of a bad anime adaption, but it could turn new users off when they find the site.
Which is a shame because it's actually a really enjoyable series to read so far.
@sam-pinansky Didn't something similar happen with Occult 9, of course this would be much worse since Ragnarok has far more volumes.
This adaptation is turning out to be about the same quality as Death March to a Parallel World Rhaphsody, or as my son renamed it Death March to Loli-land. Just seems like series compositors can't do light novels worth a damn.
@eternal-wanderer Thankfully we managed to get a decent sized readership before the anime started, so I'm hopeful that even a bad anime will help a little bit.
@sam-pinansky I'm thinking maybe we should bombard some of the anime review sites with comments about how poorly the adaptation was done and how the light novel is considerably better.
@paul-nebeling That can help ;)
@paul-nebeling Will this even get any reviews, after all animenewsnetwork has already picked what shows its reviewing this season and this is not one of them, I can't imagine too many other sites are actively reviewing this show.
@terabyte Concerning Isekai Maou, I didn't read the LN version here on JNC but if you were to use the manga as a basis, it's been pretty faithful.
I'm finding this one to be a really sad situation, I thought the LNs were one of the more unusual isekais available. The anime is just all over the place, I don't think I'd be able to even understand what was going on if I hadn't read the LNs beforehand.
The biggest issue I had was that they skipped the whole summoning event at the very beginning. Like, how would a new viewer understand anything without that?
@sam-pinansky said in Master of Ragnarok and Blesser of Einherjar anime:
@shrike_al I actually hope it doesn't actually hurt novel sales... That would be really good data and really terrible for our business ;)
I agree with catstorm. Those of us that are already dedicated fans of the series will continue to read it no matter if the anime adaptation is lackluster. I know I will, I really like it. And I also agree with Paul, though I would hope anyone who has seen an anime adaptation of a light novel series would know that it can never compare with the books. And anyone who just wrote it off as another shallow isekai series would probably never read the books anyway.
Crappy animation? Check.
A director who does not know how to set up good camera angles and/or make the characters emote/act? Check.
A writer who has gutted the parts of the plot that make the story interesting in favor of rapid harem building? Double check.
This anime is a complete dumpster fire. I would rank the LN's as better than average (and improving as the series goes along)... they deserve better than this. I feel bad for the author.