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Master of Ragnarok and Blesser of Einherjar anime
@gingersnaps said in Master of Ragnarok and Blesser of Einherjar anime:
Glad to see that I'm not the only one who thinks this anime adaptation is subpar. Haven't read the LN yet, but I expect it is 100 times better than this heap of garbage.
You forgot a 0 right there, fixed it for you 😁
@terabyte LOL, thanks for the correction. That gives me hope since this was on my list to read.
@terabyte Only one zero?
You can add as many zeroes as you want, 0*X is always 0.
@paul-nebeling If I'd added all the needed 0's the post limit wouldn't have been enough :)
Will this stop/lessen people complaining about the Smartphone or Death March animes, like is this a contender for worst anime LN adaptation ever therefore overshadowing them? Cause to me it makes the other two look pretty damn good.
Seriously, what IS the worst anime LN adaptation ever?
@smashman42 I actually like those two anime. Obviously, not as much as the LN's, but I've never encountered an anime that was as good as the source material anyway, so that's not saying much.
This post is deleted! -
@gingersnaps I didn't mind them either, but they both seemed to cop a bit of flak on here though.
@paul-nebeling I feel the same way, the skipped most of the 1sst volume during the 1st episode
smartphone for me was easy because i hadn't read the source material yet so i could just enjoy it for what it was.
Death march was the opposite and I didn't like it much and Ragnarok is just an abomination.
For an anime that's better than the LN source, isn't that the first arc of SAO & why Progressive exists?
@smashman42 I won't argue too much with that logic. When the author pretty much goes back to "day one" and starts writing the story over, well...
You can call it filling in the blanks, but the amount of changes Progressive makes to Kirito and Asuna's relationship is firmly into recon territory. Speaking of Progressive, isn't V.5 out?
Another episode, another feeling like so much was skipped. I'm not sure if this was an OVA or a future volume, but it did end up feeling like it was setting up for volume 3. That or they are going to skip it entirely.
Anyways, six episodes in, and even when I don't have the LN to compare it to, the writing, pacing, and storyboarding of this anime are really subpar. The overemphasis on Fan Service really hurts this anime. If this was my first exposure to this series, it would be a very bad thing.
I swear this makes no sense, the general consensus everywhere is that this show is subpar at best yet as of this posting it apparently the most popular show behind My Hero Academia and One Piece right now
Then again Crunchyroll might be inflating its numbers since if I remember right they are involved in this shows production somehow.
- heavy breathing *
Your excellent writing and prose pales into insignificance compared to the power of fan service!
- heavy breathing *
@fozzedout Speaking of fan service, one funny point from this week's episode was
@eternal-wanderer the reason why it’s so high is because the newest episode just came out yesterday, and the only other anime that had a new episode on Saturday were those 3 as well as Cells at Work and Yuuna. That popularity list updates like every 6 hours (I think), so it only shows the most popular shows right now and not an overall seasonal popularity chart.
I am surprised it’s more popularly than Cells at Work though. -
@legitpancake Even so I'm surprised it's that high
@eternal-wanderer @LegitPancake
This is watched more than Cells at Work and Yuuna? If the numbers are true and anime viewers are really that curious, this might be a good sign for JNC.(But truth be told, if I was looking for fanservice alone this season, I would still pick this over Yuuna. So that might mean something.)