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Novel pick-up request
Ok, straight to the point (I'm freaking nervous)
How about Fate/Apocrypha? Anyone know it?
Could we possibly see it being translate here?Sorry I really dont know anything about novel translation business
Only trying to make this forum little more lively :wink:
- list item
If it is listing Light Novels, let me join (to makd it more lively ofc hehe)
•Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin
•Kokoro Connect
•biblia koshodou no jiken techou
•Gi(a)rlish Number
Those are the ones I can think of that I'd buy without blinking if they were released... Well it'd be cool if J-Novels picked up at least one. :slight_smile: -
@ImIlyaz I'm also curious in the Light Novels of Hyouka and Kokoro Connect. :smile:
@Pmf96 really? I'm glad I'm not alone :)
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Saikyou no Shuzoku ga Ningen datta Ken
Locking this topic, cause we now have the proper sub forum.