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Prem credits
So i just bought 5 prem credits, but fogot i already had 6. Whats going to happen to that 11th credit?(when the payment went through it said i had 10 not 11) after i bought the first vol of outbreak company it said i still only had 9.
10 credits is the limit for one-time purchase. You can own however much you want.
Sorry, misread your post. I'm pretty sure you're supposed to be able to own more than 10 though.
Maybe system actually bought 4 credits? I would check what was charged from CC if it's not too hard. -
Ya i just checked was billed for 30 so 5 credits and was only given 4
@bloodmero-frostblade send an email to support @ and I will look into it and correct anything that went screwy.