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When would Rokujouma Volume 27 be translated?
I don't want to pressure J-Novel and Rokujouma translator as I know you guys are hard at work, but I don't see any Rokujouma prepub releases on the schedule even to February. Can I know the rough estimate when Rokujouma Volume 27 part 1 would be released?
Thank you for the hard work.
EDIT: Sorry, it was Vol 27, not 26.
@oristo42 are you referring to Volume 27?
Cause Volume 26 is all Available on the site for subscribers.
If you are referring to Volume 27 typically there is a 1 to 2 week break in between new volumes being translated. Volume 26 just wrapped up a week ago so the earliest it would start is next week on the 10th, if not the 17th.
The reason it isn’t shown in the release schedule is because they only put it up after the Volume cover is finalized and that doesn’t happen till Part 1 is ready to go up.
So it all happens just by surprise that the part 1 will pop up on the schedule and immediately be available for reading.
Side note: Volume 27 did just come out in Japan very recently (just slightly over a month ago) so they may wait just a bit longer to start translation of the newest Volume, it was stated a while back that when they begin to catch up to Japan that they may slow the releases ever so slightly.
Yes, sorry about that. I meant Volume 27.
That is good news. I just finished my binge reading of the series and the momentum is still there. I just hope J-Novel doesn't delay too much due to recent Japanese release.
Thank You!
@oristo42 Fear not! @Rahul-Balaggan is quite right and volume 27 is in the works as I type this. Part 1 should be out in the next two weeks.
And I totally know how you feel. The last three volumes have been a really intense ride. I'm at the point where I feel like some evil mastermind getting to read it all before you guys do. Muahaha...