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Would be cool to get Color Inserts in Ebooks located in their Specific Scenes.
J-Novel Club has already moved to pushing color inserts to the back of books for a lot of series to avoid the Amazon ban. Considering the need for color inserts at the front has already been moved past, it would be cool to see them placed at their appropriate scenes when possible.
I'm sure it wouldn't apply to every color insert since there are plenty that aren't really of any specific scenes and just act as character glossaries or collages. Those can just go to the front/back like they were originally. But for the ones that are directly associated with a scene at like the climax of an LN, it would be cool to get them there in the Ebook.
Not expecting this to be an immediate thing to happen since JNC always seems to have a long work-list of more important things to work on. It would just be cool to see it someday.
Not wery b/w e-ink friendly :) Now it's at least possible to navigate to color images on a different (color) device.
Also I usually edit JNC epubs and move color incerts to the front. It helps to know how characters look and named etc and that's how it's in Japanese versions.