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slayers audiobook
Hi, I'm wondering if there is any update on when the Slayers Audio book will happen?
From a few months back...
@piisfun awesome! thank you!
Interesting. This is my first time hearing about it. I must have missed the announcement.
Do we have more details on the VAs? Are they being recorded in English or in Japanese?
Slayers was one of the first anime I ever watched. The Japanese VA is an integral part of how I experience the character of Lina Inverse. I "hear" her lines in that voice when I read the LN. It would be truly strange to hear any other VA portray the character.
EDIT: Thinking about this some more, I realize that many English speakers are more familiar with the dubs (which were the default clips that came up when I searched just now on YouTube). So I guess that is just my personal disposition more than a comment on whatever choices were made about this project.
@unknownmat if I remember correctly, they’re having the VA from the original English dub of the anime record the audiobook. I expect we will hear further updates about this during the Anime NYC panel in a couple weeks
@unknownmat It would be a blast to hear Megumi Hayashibara attempt to read an English ebook... but probably only for about 15 minutes before the novelty wears off and you actually want someone fluent in English to do it.
No fear though, we got the original voice of Lina in English to do the audiobook, Lisa Ortiz!
@admin Makes sense. I've never heard the English VA, but I imagine that would be the most familiar option for many of your customers.
@unknownmat FYI, Slayers has an audiobook version in Japan:スレイヤーズシリーズ/B07H7DVKM7?ipRedirectOverride=true&overrideBaseCountry=true&pf_rd_p=0fd60db5-709e-4d76-9bc8-d5202e942248&pf_rd_r=2SDSJ89R2YW2476ZWGZD
It's audible exclusive I believe, and narrated by Nanako Mori: 森 なな子森なな子 -
Ive been out of the loop and didn’t know about this. Following Spice & Wolf and SAO on audio (well it’s my second time through with SAO) and will now add Slayers to the audiobook LNs I follow. So exciting!
@admin It’s getting kind of close to the November 15 release date but still no pre-orders that I could find. Will it still be releasing as planned?
Yeah, I keep looking for it on (my preferred audio book place but I can do audible if necessary) and thought the date was soon. Kind of not much time to pre-order.
The book is posted to all the stores and we are now waiting for them to update the systems on their end. It's the first time so we have no idea exactly how long it will take though for each store.
A few more stores:
Google Play Books
Kobo(mentioned above by LurkingMcLurk)
Audible -
Any plans for the Slayers audiobook to be on
I see it on Audible now - any chance it is coming to If it is I'll wait. If not I guess that I'll get it on Audible for now.
It has finally arrived and it's even better than I was expecting! I'm glad I put off buying this series until the audio version came out, hearing the narration read aloud bring such life to the story and Lina's sass is given extra sharpness with the voice
How nice that it's out now. I have successfully marketed it to two people already :D . Is there a release schedule for further volumes? Can't remember the stream where the audiobook was announced.
@Qeeh It's our first audiobook, and things are still so new to us that we don't have a process in place yet. As such, no schedule for the next volume yet. We'll keep everyone informed as soon we have more info available to share!