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Graphical bugs on release calendar
I recently noticed that on the release calendar page where it shows a countdown to a release in a format of "In X hours" or "In X minutes", when there is less than 1 minute remaining it just says "minutes". This should probably be modified so it says "<1 minute" remaining or something similar.
@Cooper-Cummings-gk5u8qq said in Graphical bugs on release calendar:
I recently noticed that on the release calendar page where it shows a countdown to a release in a format of "In X hours" or "In X minutes", when there is less than 1 minute remaining it just says "minutes". This should probably be modified so it says "<1 minute" remaining or something similar.
“0 minutes” would work, too, if dropping the “s” from minutes is too hard. :)
seconds would too work, since updating it every x seconds wouldn't really be worth it
@Cooper-Cummings-gk5u8qq Can you take a screenshot of the text in that state? According to our logic, it should say "In <1 minutes" (which I'll change to "minute", that is a typo)
@chocolatkey I just got it, apparently I misremembered the exact issue when I reported it yesterday, it actually says "Minute" not "minutes". If it helps, I am using Brave (a chromium based browser) on garuda linux. I was on the browser page and waited for it to roll over both times, I don't know if the behavior is the same when you load the page initially with less than 1 minute remaining.