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Did I Seriously Just Get Reincarnated as My Gag Character?!
Can't say enough about this series. J-novel should never have paid for this, it's really bad.
@Folker46 To each his own. I've been enjoying the hell out of it.
Don't read it then.
Problem solved.
@Folker46 For the sake of conversation, what are your issues with the series? As someone enjoying it, I'm curious what you don't like.
@Kotenmaru My problem with it is that it was advertised that he had created an almost worthless character and would have to deal with its shortcomings as he adventured, but instead he's like a GOD who can beat anyone and anything and doesn't even bother to hide his/her power. It's so boring and poorly written I had to vent about it. I feel like I was ripped off and someone owes me my money back! This is a clear example of why I hate the grossly OP MC, with no challenges to overcome and nothing at stake there is no real story.
@Folker46 said in Did I Seriously Just Get Reincarnated as My Gag Character?!:
@Kotenmaru My problem with it is that it was advertised that he had created an almost worthless character and would have to deal with its shortcomings as he adventured, but instead he's like a GOD who can beat anyone and anything and doesn't even bother to hide his/her power.
That's a fair complaint, and the description does make it sound like more of a weak protagonist type story while it's an OP protagonist instead. That causes a huge shift in the tone of the story being told. I'm sure part of that is going from a video game and it's mechanics to a fantasy world and how power converts between them, but isn't something that really gets explained.
Weak by comparison to other endgame characters. That just means that a "good" endgame character would be Super Saiyan XXIX in this world, shattering it with one punch before abandoning their family again to go off and train somewhere.
Also, reading the hints in flashbacks I get the sense the MC was in denial about this being their favorite character and who they most wanted to be reincarnated into. For a "gag" character they hint at spending a lot of time playing it.
To me it's a silly fun mix of Leadale, Seriously Seeking Sister, with maybe a bit of Abilities Average or Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear.
@HarmlessDave said in Did I Seriously Just Get Reincarnated as My Gag Character?!:
Weak by comparison to other endgame characters. That just means that a "good" endgame character would be Super Saiyan XXIX in this world, shattering it with one punch before abandoning their family again to go off and train somewhere.
Not even that.
Weak by the mechanics of the game world.
This isn't the game world and the mechanical restrictions for balance purposes don't apply. A bit of flavour text that isn't represented in the game actually applies here. An attack with an over the top animation actually reforms the topography.
The natural resistances to damage the race would have in reality would have been mostly normalised across other races for the sake of game balance, making a glass cannon build easy to harm. Here the demiwyrm body actually negates the glass aspect.
@kurosov - good points, a bit like Skeleton Knight where all of the game balance rules like "your active class / stance disables your inactive classes / stances" stop applying.
For a FF XIV character that would mean being able to use the skills from all of the combat and crafting jobs at once without switching garb or weapon. A SWTOR character could be tank, DPS and healer spec'd at the same time using every power and buff they ever learned.
@HarmlessDave And that is one of the things I don't like about skeleton knight, he's so OP it's almost ridicules, the only thing saving it is his opponents are OP too. The end of the church arc is pretty sad though.
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@Folker46 said in Did I Seriously Just Get Reincarnated as My Gag Character?!:
@HarmlessDave And that is one of the things I don't like about skeleton knight, he's so OP it's almost ridicules, the only thing saving it is his opponents are OP too. The end of the church arc is pretty sad though.
I saw the ending winning move coming at least a volume or two ahead (as soon as the MC experienced it), but I still enjoyed it as a junk food series.
One part that was mildly interesting was that he had no actual sword-fighting skills, just the class special moves. So up against a good enough swordsman his monstrous strength wasn't much help.
It was funny how she chased out the old gods of the world, though. That made it interesting again, I think... teaching them a lesson of their own was fun to read.
For the rest, I agree. The description of the story is totally misleading, but considering the story, and it's over-the-top story, I can imagine that was just part of the surprise... or maybe some kind of joke, even... it would fit the funniness of the story, and how casually the protagonist tramples over everything and anything.
Well, I just finished reading the first volume and I got to say <Spoiler-Free> it is as per the comments above: A junk food for the weekend but nothing special and/or really setting this above any other average OP MC Isekai fantasy out there. In fact, I would play the scumbag here and daringly predict this will go downhill from here on out, as the surprise and "novelty" will wear out.
but Hey, to each their own right?Spoiler-ish thoughts below:
Done, thanks for reading.
@Avatarian surprisingly, I found the 2nd volume to be better than the first
@Lily-Garden Well, that is a surprise for me too. Not a "let's give the series another chance" type of surprise though. More of a "maybe j-Novel did right in buying this series."
I also found the second volume better than the first. To the point that I'm really hoping the author gets around to writing the promised volume 3 (which is talked about in the afterword as if it's forgone that it's happening, but volume 2 came out just before the pandemic, and volume 3 has not, yet....)
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