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Notifications for new books
Would it be possible to add some kind subscription/notification for new books in series? For eample I read Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill and books come out every 6 months or so. I would like to subscribe/follow this series so I would get notification on site or get a mail when new volume is being translated.
I read quite a number of series and it is getting hard to track them all. Adding such feature on site would be really nice. I know that there is news page with new things that come out but that requires checking site often. Notifications would be much better.
@Sekki Notifications are in our plans for future site features. We can't give you a conclusive deadline at the moment but we're aware people would like such a feature.
@chocolatkey Thanks for info. Such feature would make things easier. Currently I have around 10 bookmarks for various series and number will probably increase over time :)
Yeah, it would be convenient to get something when a new volume of something we follow starts up. Fortunately right now I can just keep tabs on the pre-pub announcement channel on the discord to see if anything I follow has been announced.
Does the new app have notifications on release of followed series? If not is that on the list guys
@Baka_Neko There's not "notifications" but it does keep track of which series you follow, and you can look at the series page (with the star selected at the top) to see if there are updates to anything you are following. Stuff you've completed will be green, and stuff that's still in progress will have a blue progress bar (note that the completion status is hit and miss on manga right now because there's a bug in the back end with calculating page numbers for manga right now that's supposed to be fixed with one of the upcoming back-end overhauls)
@pcj also when you are following a series and logged in, there will be a star next to each entry on the release calendar for that series, which will get you all your updates on one page
@Baka_Neko Same answer as before for the app.
I have a few series favorited just waiting for another volume to be released (i.e. How Not to Summon a Demon Lord, Girls Kingdom, etc...). As I am always subbed anymore it seems, I am normally defaulting to the Recent Release tab of the app on a daily basis. So should a new translation start, it should just jump out at me as a nice surprise.
I agree that a notification system would be nice and glad to hear it is on the roadmap, but in the meantime, my system seems to work okay.
Aren't there syndication feeds (Atom/RSS) available for each series and all followed series? I haven't tried it and I'm aware not everyone has a reader reader installed, but it seems like it would solve the issue at least until Notifications are added.
@garantiertnicht Yes there are, but I imagine most people nowadays would prefer the convenience of a push notification without the hassle of setting up an RSS client