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iPhone compatibility?
I downloaded a copy of the light novel I wish to read, but all I see is a black screen with the file name, “EPUB publication” and the file size. I downloaded with DuckDuckGo, because safari wasn’t working. Not sure what the issue here is or how to solve it.
You may need to go to your downloads list in DuckDuckGo and tap to open the file in iBooks. I'm able to download books from my library just fine via Safari; after the download is complete, I tap blue arrow in the address bar to open up the context menu, tap "Downloads," then tap the file in the list.
@myskaros thank you for taking the time to answer my question! I downloaded Apple Books, but couldn’t figure out how it would work 😂
So I tried safari again and it loads on safari. It just didn’t know what to do with the coin purchase I guess? I’m not really sure, but I’m super stoked to catch up on the series! So thank you again 😊