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Mismatching launch dates (A betrayal of epic proportions)
Hello fellow humans. I believe I have discovered a bug:
(hereafter referred to as A) gives different launch dates for the part with slugmy-daughter-left-the-nest-and-returned-an-s-rank-adventurer-volume-5-part-1
. I queried endpointA/events
and it responded that the part launches on2022-04-25T23:00:00Z
. EndpointA/parts
however responds with a launch on2022-04-11T23:00:00Z
. The second date seems to match up with reality as I can already read the part. The series page also shows this date while the first one is displayed by the calendar. The previous volume's last part was also launched on the second date.
That's all I have to report. Thank you for your attention.I feel betrayed. I didn't think a computer had the ability to lie. AI has gotten so advanced it can even mimic human deceptiveness. I don't want to speak to A ever again (hence the greeting; I only talk to humans from now on).
Events appears to pull from the calendar: that has it listed as "April 25"
Parts appears to pull from the actual release controller...
So, in short, it appears to be the old issue where there are two separate scheduling systems on the back end that don't talk to each other.
If the date on the part is valid, then it got accidentally entered to release at the same time as the last part of the previous volume without anyone noticing until now.
@piisfun according to
the entry was created on2022-04-24T19:48:28.582Z
which explains why the part wasn't available before then.