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In Another World With My Smartphone Wikia
AratashiKun, here. I have a favor to ask for to anyone that's interested. I run the Wikia for Isekai-Smartphone and I'd like help with some articles and in return, I'll give admin privileges. That's all and thanks for letting me take a few seconds of your life, Everyone.
Most articles being locked actively deters people from contributing you know.
@aratashikun I'm interested in contributing to some extent. I'd be happy to be a content moderator or something.
@shiroi-hane The reason I lock the articles is mainly due vandalization and inputs of falsified information. But I allow anyone to edit articles that are 'stubs'. And if someone asks to edit an article, I will give them permission usually.
@carolinefelicity If you're willing to, let me know your Wiki account or simply just contribute on an article such as this one. I always appreciate any contribution to the wiki.