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Old website and app have been retired as of March 14!
Is very sad, i read with the translator in the old web, i can't do it in the new site.
My native language is spanish And this is the only way to read and support the writer. -
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@_08 said in Old website and app have been retired as of March 14!:
RIP old JNC site 2016–2022
That's an interesting wording choice, how does one upgrade an "app" that's not actually an app but a browser window?
Clearly, the post you responded to had two images, one showing what you would see using the old app, the other what would display if using a web browser.If it had been a screen shot of one display, you couldn't have responded to just this segment.
@weasalopes Yes, but the second image was just what displayed when you opened pretty much any page that dealt with the reader/account administration/release schedule pages, the first one appears is the exact layout of the web reader, so I assume it's what occurred if you were in the middle of reading a chapter on the old site when they took it offline.
I guess I didn't realize the old app basically either just loaded the web reader or emulated the layout of the old site.
It's a shame. I've been paying a subscription for 1 year and today it's time to say goodbye. the horrible new APP does not interact with Google translator and that is a stab for a Spanish reader like me.
So far the only good thing about the new APP was that they had left the previous APP working but not even that anymore. only the bad remains.Cheer up and keep making mistakes.
@atorbites Have you tried to see if that person who wrote up the third party web client's site using the APIs works with google translate? It's probably not a replacement for the app itself, but if may allow you to continue reading anything you're interested in.
@jpwong I think there are calibre modules that can be used to translate epubs. Wont work with the prepub unless you also use jncep to download the chapters as epubs.
@atorbites said in Old website and app have been retired as of March 14!:
It's a shame. I've been paying a subscription for 1 year and today it's time to say goodbye. the horrible new APP does not interact with Google translator and that is a stab for a Spanish reader like me.
So far the only good thing about the new APP was that they had left the previous APP working but not even that anymore. only the bad remains.Cheer up and keep making mistakes.
In response to the comments from @jpwong I just tested and supports Google Translate. See more about this reader at
@jpwong The screenshot was actually from site. They disabled old reader's API few minutes before replacing the site with "redirect in 15 minutes" message.
So yes, the directions in there were kinda wrong but it was only that way for a few minutes. For the coming days/month/years you'll only see that message in old apps or by accessing old API directly. -
This is horrible. Bring back the reader from the old site. I remember multiple promises that there were no plans to end the old site. The reader is still atrocious on the new site and my many issues with it go completely ignored. I may have to cancel my premium account and switch to pirating over this because the reader is unusable. Don't attack your long time fans.
Though I disagree with piracy, the new reader doesn't work on my phone worth crap (android). It is laggy and often gets stuck when turning pages. The new website is significantly harder to navigate, even if it looks abit nicer. I will finish out this month and see if I can get used to it. Otherwise, time to say good bye.
@mlindner I think you'd be better off just buying a load of credits and cancelling your sub and just buying the ebooks as they come out to use in the reader of your choice. Maybe someone with the technical knowhow can set up something with the APIs that can emulate the layout of the old reader until the official reader can get those options.
Also it would be nice if there was an option to have the reader always show the bottom navigation bar and not have it overlay on the actual displayed text. I like to know roughly how far in the part I am as I read, but there's no way to keep the bottom/top overlays in place, and even if you could, they currently sit on top of the text so you can't read those areas when the overlay is active.
I can't help but feel there hasn't been enough focus on the reader of both the new website and app. I think it's safe to say that for most pre pub readers this is the most important part, but the new reader on both the website and app still have multiple issues that can make them near unusable to people who like reading a certain way.
I've made my issues clear in other posts so I'm not going to go into them again, but both the desktop version of the web reader and app reader seem half finished at best. With the current state they're in I'd refuse to use both the web reader on desktop (single page width issues) and the app (paginated mode issues). Both old versions had their issues and needed updating, but at the very least they were much more pleasant to read on.
The new web reader isn't entirely bad - it actually works really well on an iPad, and I've been quite satisfied using that for the past few months. But I don't have access to that all the time, so I'd really like to see more of a focus on the visual display of the readers going forward.
@lake I think there was a lot of focus on the reader when the new site launched. A lot of us gave feedback on what features we wanted to have put into it that simply weren't available compared to the old reader (one of the reasons why Crimson Text, the default font from the old reader is available on the new one now). The problem is there wasn't any intensity to keep the discussion focused on getting those features worked on because the old site was still going to keep running for the foreseeable future. Since there was only 2 weeks notice that the old site was going to be discontinued and the features some of us wanted to see aren't currently timelined for development, it's creating a bit of a disconnect now.
Sigh... I'm really not happy. You only have one job - "be less anoying than piracy". Its not a high bar.
I dont ask much. And yet, I am disappointed.
Why do you want to cause me more stress in the one part of my week when I expect to de-stress?
@jpwong said in Old website and app have been retired as of March 14!:
@lake I think there was a lot of focus on the reader when the new site launched. A lot of us gave feedback on what features we wanted to have put into it that simply weren't available compared to the old reader (one of the reasons why Crimson Text, the default font from the old reader is available on the new one now). The problem is there wasn't any intensity to keep the discussion focused on getting those features worked on because the old site was still going to keep running for the foreseeable future. Since there was only 2 weeks notice that the old site was going to be discontinued and the features some of us wanted to see aren't currently timelined for development, it's creating a bit of a disconnect now.
Yes I didn't know the old site was going away until I got online to read my chapter and suddenly all my bookmarks are broken. There was no forewarning what so ever.
Even their forwarding is a rush job. The URLs don't forward to their equivalent on the new site, they just forward to the main page of the new site. (Hint I found out if you replace "old" with "www" then it forwards correctly, but they seemingly didn't even want to bother with that.)
@atorbites said in Old website and app have been retired as of March 14!:
It's a shame. I've been paying a subscription for 1 year and today it's time to say goodbye. the horrible new APP does not interact with Google translator and that is a stab for a Spanish reader like me.
So far the only good thing about the new APP was that they had left the previous APP working but not even that anymore. only the bad remains.Cheer up and keep making mistakes.
Podrías intentar aprender inglés. O usar una app de terceros para copiar el texto!
An update to the web reader has been made live. It improves:
- Single/spread switcher now works properly, and now cycles between three modes, spread (two page), wide single page, and thin single page.
- Thin/wide fit setting now persists in vertical mode
- A new button has been added to the top bar to open the reader frame in a new tab. This allows for easier browser access to a chapter's text for accessibility purposes.
Oh nice, the thin single page is much easier to read and certainly clears up my biggest pain point with the reader. The only thing I'm still hoping for, but I'm guessing isn't nearly as easy to put in is a way to make the controls stick on screen and not overlay with the reader text.