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Can a few lists be made?
Topic is about having people know if a light novel has been changed too much, and who did the changes.
I had this question for some time, and would like to ask if this is possible. If its not, refer to the last part.
One list would be Ranging from all the Light novels which got mixed bag translations from changing something that was deemed offensive.Not just what Seven Seas did, all light novel publishers mainly, Manga can be brought up.
Also seeing about which editor, since I do not see any translator changing content to fit their ideals.
Unless there is a better idea, to send a message to anyone who wants to "fix" content if it has themes specific people do not like. Aside from not buying from them, which can send the wrong message. -
@thenovelmusician69 - hasn't Seven Seas already corrected the digital editions of their titles?
I'm not sure of the value of building lists of titles that have already been fixed, and trying to stir up outrage towards the people who were involved.
Also, if a particular publisher is still making significant changes it might make more sense to have a topic about that publisher alone.
That is, if you want lists I think they would be more useful to split up by publisher, and then for that publisher discuss any coverage of it and any responses from that publisher.
You are more than free to make a list of that sort, as well as do it in such a way where others can contribute to it.
I would recommend a thread on /r/LightNovels, or opening a wiki for it.
Unfortunately, the J-Novel Club forums is not the place for a topic of that nature to be hosted, there was a topic open around the Seven Seas discussion for a time,
Once everything had been said and done, it was locked down, as it stopped being about discussing the event, and just a place for breeding resentment.
As such I will be locking this topic down.
Thank you