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App/Web Bug/Feature Report Chapter tracking error
The current app for iDevices is a vast improvement on the old one however is could still do with some small fixes.
The current bug I have found is while reading a chapter on occasion the setting on the server the track chapter progress ‘ completion can become corrupt.
The symptoms of this bug is a chapters read status will become stuck. For example the setting on the server that tracks if a chapter is unread/partially read/completed will not update, I currently have two chapters that report as unread and one that’s partially read. It dose not matter what I do (scroll though the chapter on the app or the web) that status will not change on the server. I have tried removing the app and reinstalled. If I read the chapter (scroll to the end of the chapter then exit the chapter) the chapter will report as read (green background) until the list is reloaded form the server. EG Click on Series es and then back out updated chapters.
Possible solutions. Find the course for the invalid entry that prevents it being updated or make a option to set it to read/complete allowing users to force correct this corrupted entry.Thank you
Chapters: Hell mode V3P8, Private Tutor V2P9, Emperor’s Lady-in-waiting (manga) V4C1
@solusvenator The issue for the manga is due to either pages not being shown or an incorrect page count on the server, for example Emperor's Lady in Waiting(manga) v4c1 has 20 pages viewable but the chapter length is listed as 30.
@sniper_samurai - did you look into the other two?
@solusvenator The other 2 are fine on my end. The only issue I've seen is the use of placeholder chapter lengths in the meta data for all manga chapters in volumes that started prepub in December or later.