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Any news about Demon Lord Retry Volume 8 ?
Are there any news about the light novel Demon Lord Retry Volume 8?
I am having such a difficult time waiting for it.
(It was released in Japan on November 29, 2021).Does anybody know if the translation has started already?
I really hope I'll be able to read it soon.
When a series is caught up (like in this case) and a new volume comes out it usually takes a bit longer for the translation to start.
Check this topic for more details: 👍
@terabyte Thus the adage, "YOHOHO"🤣
@staylo67 I don’t get what you mean. There is nothing to pirate, as there are no fan translations this far out. Just be patient and JNC will get to it eventually.
@staylo67 I suppose if you're into pain, suffering, and bleeding thru your eyes you could MTL the WN. I think scurvy (to keep with the pirate theme) and a terminal case of the clap is preferable though.
@paul-nebeling said in Any news about Demon Lord Retry Volume 8 ?:
@staylo67 I suppose if you're into pain, suffering, and bleeding thru your eyes you could MTL the WN. I think scurvy (to keep with the pirate theme) and a terminal case of the clap is preferable though.
Nope, not possible. The Demon Retry WN goes up to volume 5 of the LN, after that the author dropped it and wrote only the LN. It was mentioned in an afterword.
@terabyte Spared a fate worse than death.
I read the manga version on catchup this weekend and it just piqued my appetite to re-read and continue the light novels. I hope they get this licensed soon.
I wish there was a way to know if the translation for it got dropped or not.
Still I have the conspiracy theory that we will only see a translation to volume 8 when vol.9 is released in JP.
(And I hope I'm right, at least that way we will get it eventually...) -
JNC has not yet voluntarily dropped a series. It may take a long time for various reasons but you can expect it to happen eventually.
In all honesty, 7 months so far is not the worse wait for a license continuation, volume 8 being released in November.
As has been stated, J Novel has never voluntarily stopped translating. The only one that has being the infamous Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de.
Though, I like you and probably many others are anxious to read the continuation, it will come and J Novel thankfully has other series of suitable quality.A recent example of a long gap being Wortenia Senki volume 15, which has just started translating in last few weeks. Also, you never know, maybe the delay now means a less of a delay when volume 9 is eventually released and eventually translated.
Though some of us do have the luxury of reading the raws....
Please rest assured that we are working on the next volume, and we will post about it when it is ready to begin streaming. This is true for any other series that is between volumes, we just hope you understand that in most situations we are unable to disclose any more details.
Thanks for the answers!
I'm looking forward to the translation whenever it happens! -
@myskaros plz plz plz 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 do it as soon as possible
Rahul Balaggan
As you may or may not have seen, Volume 8 will be starting pre-publication soon, and has been added to the calendar.
I will be locking this topic down, and pointing everyone to the V8 discussion topic:
Thank you for your patience.