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What are the chances for Kokoro Connect to get a physcial release??
Just watched the anime and I wanna dabble into the light novels but discovered that they do not have a physical release. So is there any hope for them to get a physical release I'd love for them to get one since the anime was sooooo good
JNC generally don't comment on things before an official announcement so they probably won't say one way or the other. However my expectation is that the chances of a physical release are pretty low.
As noted at JNC generally only publish series with strong digital sales which in 2018 meant 5,000 e-book sales per volume. This is because there is a minimum print run necessary to make it profitable after all costs are taken into account (in 2018 the minimum print run was around 3000 copies per volume). For completed series of popular franchises they have sometimes done omnibus releases but I'm not sure what the economics of those are.
I don't recall them ever announcing a physical release so long after the original digital release, usually the print version is 6-12 months behind at most. The fact they haven't published the series already probably means it hasn't been getting enough digital sales to justify a physical release. Which is a shame because it is quite a fun series. I'm guessing the situation could only change if they did a new anime season and I've not heard anything about that.
If you love physical releases then something to consider is getting an e-reader if you don't have one already.
Somewhere between nil and none honestly. I don't recall seeing any actual sales data, but I believe I remember Sam mentioning that it was a title that they expected to do better than it did.
Which doesn't mean they lost money on it mind you, but it doesn't encourage funding a physical release.