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Piggy Duke Cancelled?
So I heard that Piggy Duke got cancelled in Japan after 10 volumes, but the WN is continuing, can anyone confirm that? Also, do we have any idea if after vol 10, we are just getting no more Piggy Duke, or is there any chance the WN would get translated?
@sphader said in Piggy Duke Cancelled?:
So I heard that Piggy Duke got cancelled in Japan after 10 volumes, but the WN is continuing, can anyone confirm that? Also, do we have any idea if after vol 10, we are just getting no more Piggy Duke, or is there any chance the WN would get translated?
In the places I've seen it listed, it's listed as discontinued. Also, author's twitter is a bit worrying, last post is from August that just says 'Will update soon...'. The post before it is from May. No idea if it was publisher or author who dropped it, it does say 'discontinued' instead of 'cancelled'...
The webnovel is indeed continuing, last post is December 25, a full year since volume 10 came out.
@korppi said in Piggy Duke Cancelled?:
@sphader said in Piggy Duke Cancelled?:
So I heard that Piggy Duke got cancelled in Japan after 10 volumes, but the WN is continuing, can anyone confirm that? Also, do we have any idea if after vol 10, we are just getting no more Piggy Duke, or is there any chance the WN would get translated?
In the places I've seen it listed, it's listed as discontinued. Also, author's twitter is a bit worrying, last post is from August that just says 'Will update soon...'. The post before it is from May. No idea if it was publisher or author who dropped it, it does say 'discontinued' instead of 'cancelled'...
The webnovel is indeed continuing, last post is December 25, a full year since volume 10 came out.
I didn't find anything in my cursory search that you haven't reported already.
The author never really got into the Twitter aspect of things when it comes to communicating with fans, given the sparsity of publication related posts.
As I don't read Japanese, I can't tell if anything of interest is said on the publisher's series page.
I didn't attempt to determine what tag is used for the work on Twitter and see what the latest tweets had to say from others, but that would seem one method of searching for additional info; you'd want to make sure to use the proper Japanese tag, of course.Anime News Network and related sites might have information as well; they've done a decent job of keeping on top of things for other titles, but that presumes they were following this in the first place, and that's not a given.
@sphader said in Piggy Duke Cancelled?:
s there any chance the WN would get translated?
Up until now JNC has only licensed LNs and manga from publishers, it hasn't licensed web novels from authors. So the answer is probably not.
Why was it cancelled or discontinued? what happen?
@tsunade666 said in Piggy Duke Cancelled?:
Why was it cancelled or discontinued? what happen?
Sales too low? We can only speculate, unless the author has mentioned about it in an afterword or something.
The last webnovel chapter is from August 7th, so that one is still ongoing
I don't think that sales would be too low with it having an english license and a manga adaptation. I tried to search the net for a reason but I can't find any. Unless I go moonrunes route in search for a reason, I won't find any. Which is sad. its a good story.
Has anyone here who does read Japanese looked at the WN to see just what the additional material [Post Volume 10] consists of?
In other words, is it more core storyline, or side stories/extra stories, that kind of thing?
Although one would think that if that were the case there would have been justification in listing it as completed rather than discontinued.Um, also,
@Korppi said in Piggy Duke Cancelled?:
In the places I've seen it listed, it's listed as discontinued.
Where are these listings, and in what language?
And what's their source?I mean, that's another valid question?
Is it discontinued?
Or is that wild fan speculation in itself? -
I'm not sure where this was now, although I imagine it was either here or light novel reddit, but at the time it first came out the series was cancelled I'm sure I remember reading there was a falling out between the author and the publisher. With that info coming from the author.
@TheWickerMan said in Piggy Duke Cancelled?:
I'm not sure where this was now, although I imagine it was either here or light novel reddit, but at the time it first came out the series was cancelled I'm sure I remember reading there was a falling out between the author and the publisher. With that info coming from the author.
Those things do happen.
Possibly not fatal for the series, though.
Folks have been known to change publishers and continue an existing series with the new publisher.
It does tend to depend upon what their contract was like with the old publisher and the interests of the new publisher, and if they feel the established fan base is large enough to be worth the effort to attract them in the long run.We've currently got a couple of titles here at JNC where the Japanese publisher changed to Square Enix, but I don't know how that happened so whether that's relevant is a good question.
Sometimes the publisher shift is due to a purchase of existing contracts or acquisition of that publishing arm of the original company; in other works, the author came along as part of the deal. That'd be completely non-relevant to the matter at hand... -
That makes me more worried because if the series was cancelled due to problems between the author and the publisher the chances of it ending in the middle of a story arc or even with a cliffhanger are higher.
@Geezer-Weasalopes said in Piggy Duke Cancelled?:
We've currently got a couple of titles here at JNC where the Japanese publisher changed to Square Enix, but I don't know how that happened so whether that's relevant is a good question.
Editor moved companies, some authors followed their editor rather than stay with the old label.
@GeorgeMTO said in Piggy Duke Cancelled?:
@Geezer-Weasalopes said in Piggy Duke Cancelled?:
We've currently got a couple of titles here at JNC where the Japanese publisher changed to Square Enix, but I don't know how that happened so whether that's relevant is a good question.
Editor moved companies, some authors followed their editor rather than stay with the old label.
Similar things have happened in the US in the SF & Fantasy field.
Then you have cases where the editor founded a new publishing house entirely (DAW Books being a classic example.)
I'd be shocked if it didn't happen in other genres, the editor loyalty thing.
But the new publisher has to be convinced by the editor to pick up the series partway through...but the flipside is that they thought well enough of their editorial acumen to hire them in the first place, so maybe not that hard a sell after all.But, yeah, that makes those likely not good for comparison.
@tsunade666 said in Piggy Duke Cancelled?:
I don't think that sales would be too low with it having an english license and a manga adaptation.
I don't think either of those are good indications of its sales. First, its last volume was released 11/20/2020, over 4 months before the Volume 1 prepub started, 4/2/2021. Negotiations and/or contracts may have been in progress around that time, but I doubt it would have had any effect on a decision to cancel. Plenty of series are cancelled regardless of whether they have a translation or how well it's doing. A number of series are even licenced pre-canceled, a recent example being Gag Character, which appears to have been cancelled at two volumes two years before being licenced. So it's not like only well selling series get licenced in the first place.
As for the manga, it seems to me from the limited sample of LNs with English translations (and confirmation bias) that most LNs that last at least a couple volumes get manga adaptations (see Gag Character above). So I wouldn't use that as an argument for sales either.
Ok I looked around a bit and I can't find anything now outside of this thread indicating the series had been cancelled. It's really annoying because I'm convinced I read about it ~ a year ago.
I did find this twitter post from I think the author, which suggests it could actually be completed rather than cancelled.
We may just have to wait until the English version comes out to be sure.
@Geezer-Weasalopes said in Piggy Duke Cancelled?:
We've currently got a couple of titles here at JNC where the Japanese publisher changed to Square Enix, but I don't know how that happened so whether that's relevant is a good question.
I know this is off topic, but I thought I would just put this here as an example of how these things can happen.
One of those novels that got changed over to Square Enix was FUNA's Abilities Average, and in that case, the cause was the the editor changing jobs. According to FUNA (in a comment on the web novel), he didn't want to change editors, and thus explicity requested that the licence be transferred so that he could continue working with the same editor in the future.
Looking at last volume reviews at bookmeter (beware of the spoilers!), it looks like the author had announced in the afterword that it'll be the final LN volume and that it'll be continued in a web novel on Kakuyomu.
That sounds like pretty solid info, yes. -
Ahh damn I wanted to start to read this on the next catchup month. Pity, I hate stories that are ended abruptly/getting axed.