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Acquisitions Speculation - General
Only when it said that JNC may have two new publishers and one may be Shufunotomo.
Updated the status, really excited about hint #3 and #5. Some of the other pique my interests, looking forward to see what it is!
Updated the status with the new hints together with the old ones. Cheer!
@fezu said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [5 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED! New Hints added!]:
Sources for the new aquisitions: (5 Titles!)
Hints are as following:
#1: Fate. Destiny. Tacos? / Did I say tacos? That's so 90s, I meant burritos.
#2: Not actually a part of the nasu-verse / You won't want it to end
#3: Nobody knew summoning could be so complicated / Juggling in Another World?
#4: Ironically, it doesn't need a club / The flatter, the scarier
#5: Finally a female protagonist! / Now without the annoying fairySuper exciting!
Quoting for the bottom of the page. You work fast. xD
So book 1 is an older series from the 90s maybe?
Book 2 sounds like it isn't short, a long series... Or is it just one volume, and the hint is saying it'll end too quickly for you... Hrmmm.
Book 3 hint sounds really specific.
Book 4, flat is not Justice? I guess there's a flat love interest, possibly a Tsundere one that beats up the protag... or Yandere one? 🤔
Book 5 sounds like a Zelda reference (now without Navi). That original hint makes so much more sense now (people have been clamoring for a female protagonist in Zelda). So something that feels like Zelda? The Knights and Magic guess might not be too far off too (remember people thought BOTW's protag was a woman prerelease).
@terrence This might seem contradictory but for the female protagonist The Reincarnated Person Doesn't Want to Cheat has fairies that AREN'T annoying so I think it's a possibility. A sort of misleading hint can also make speculating more fun so while I think this title is a rather small possibility it's still one to consider for that hint.
Could it be SukaSuka for hint 5?? I mean, the girls the protagonist takes care of ARE fairies. Damn, I'm pumped for this, Ctholly is definitely a protagonist along with the male MC
@paulnamida said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [5 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED! New Hints added!]:
Could it be SukaSuka for hint 5?? I mean, the girls the protagonist takes care of ARE fairies. Damn, I'm pumped for this, Ctholly is definitely a protagonist along with the male MC
SukaSuka is Kadokawa.
#2 Fate Annals of The Flame
Fate but not a part of the nasu-verse and the town going to end#3 The Different World Magic Is Too Far Behind!
MC is a magician but he don't understand how summoning magic work -
@arm963 said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [5 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED! New Hints added!]:
#2 Fate Annals of The Flame
Fate but not a part of the nasu-verse and the town going to end#3 The Different World Magic Is Too Far Behind!
MC is a magician but he don't understand how summoning magic workThose seem like good guesses. I'm not as familiar with the first (synopsis seems like Realist). For The Different World Magic, I'm just trying for figure out how "juggling" comes in; unless it's juggling a harem.
@shiroi-hane said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [5 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED! New Hints added!]:
@hatguy12 I have a guess for juggling that fits in wth by best guess for the first clue, in that the main character of Isekai Maou (How Not to Summon a Demon Lord) is named Diablo. Diablo -> diabolo
Oh, that's a good find.
@shiroi-hane Bit of a stretch, but that's such a cute connection. Take my upvote.
@fezu said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [5 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED! New Hints added!]:
#1: Fate. Destiny. Tacos? / Did I say tacos? That's so 90s, I meant burritos.
Kara no Kyoukai?
Set in the 90s, and there's a character named Touko.
@sirpaper said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [5 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED! New Hints added!]:
@fezu said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [5 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED! New Hints added!]:
#1: Fate. Destiny. Tacos? / Did I say tacos? That's so 90s, I meant burritos.
Kara no Kyoukai?
Set in the 90s, and there's a character named Touko.
Another clever guess. I think it's ok to ignore burrito and hone in on the 90s reference, as I think that's the key part of that hint. =]
For some reason, I thought of Naruto and Boruto though when I saw the burrito hint
#1: Fate. Destiny. Tacos? / Did I say tacos? That's so 90s, I meant burritos.
Interpreting the them as a pair, it could mean a series that had a title change around the end of the 90s. Something like (Dai) Densetsu no Yusha no Densetsu, though that particular one is completely in the 2000+, and I don't have any immediate ideas for something similar from the 90s.
Quarkboy has mentioned on reddit that no one has come close to the first hint yet.
@aruseus493 said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [5 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED! New Hints added!]:
Quarkboy has mentioned on reddit that no one has come close to the first hint yet.
So I interpret that to mean some have come close on the other hints. I'll take that as a victory. xD
I probably guessed both Isekai Maou and Knight's & Magic correctly which is 2 more than I thought I would have guessed correctly. :3 So I'm happy.
That zelda hint I keep thinking it's something to do with the naming of the series. Like the series named after a female character but one of the main protagonist is male. For example Altina the Sword Princess. Also the fairy part, perhaps the fairy isn't the one that's annoying?
Google doc already mentions the title's name, but I thought I should point out that the female protagonist in Jintai/The humanity has declined is frequently referred to as 主人公 (shujinko, lit. main character, protaganist, hero(ine), etc.) due to lack of known name and local fairies are arguably cute. Also, both Jintai and GJ-bu (possible #4) are from Shogakukan's GAGAGA.
A strong argument against the above - having one of these licensed would be too good, having both would be too too good.