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Acquisitions Speculation - General
@raitoiro Indeed, I meant the one @BloodyGaikotsu linked.
@terabyte ok, my bad i didn't eard about this one getting an anime too.
The anime was announced yesterday and we talked about it in Discord, so yeah, I didn't think of differentiating it better 😅
@bloodygaikotsu Holy crap you were right lmao
Praise me more~
Oh well, I haven't started Konosuba yet so I don't care for now. And release date is June 2019...
New hints are up! =)
Any guesses?
Edit: I got nothing. I mean, I feel like the "surprisingly no anime adaptation" one will be guessed (only so many manga about anime that don't have adaptations... You'd think). x)
New hints are out.
Manga Hints:
- The Manga Adaptaton of LN#1 (#1 as in Complete the Triptych)
- Not Actually An Imouto Harem
- Now With Less Laborious Lecturing
- Fall In Love All Over Again
- Ironically No Anime Adaptation
LN hints:
- Complete the Triptych
- My Frenchman Will Be Pleased (Reference to The Obra Dinn)
- It's Definitely Not Stocks
- Abe's Last-Ditch Solution
For "Complete the Triptych" (and its corresponding manga), a triptych is a three-paneled painting, so I figure it's the "third" in a set, and in thinking what are there three of that JNC could complete, what first came to mind are FUNA's three major LNs; with Seven Seas getting Abilities Average and Sol Press getting 80k Gold, that would leave JNC with I Shall Survive Using Potions. And yes, it has a manga adaptation.
As for "It's Definitely Not Stocks", given the earlier Curiouscat answer that one title is a reverse isekai, maybe The Hero's Success Is Now?
"Fall in Love all over again" better be Elf Bride manga!
Fall in Love all Over Again sounds like it'd be a time travel thing if it isn't just implying it's something we already have that we'll be reading again.
Any major time travel romance manga?
I feel like the 3 Ls is a major hint too on the Less Laborious Lecturing one.
I'm going to peruse the Bookwalker popular manga lists a bit, but I doubt I'll make many if any connections. T_T
Edit: Oh, I have a guess for the "Fall in Love all Over Again" hint. It may be that Yuri where the girl gets Amnesia. I gotta look for it.
Edit 2: Cheerful Amnesia. That's my guess at least.
@terrence Now With Less Laborious Lecturing sounds like a manga adaptation of an existing JNC title, one I suppose has a lot of laborious lecturing that the manga cuts out. Don't know which one, though (might be one I've yet to read).
Edit: Also yay 1000th reply in the thread!
If it is a JNC title, is there an Undead Adventurer manga? Lot of people commented on how much exposition was in the LN.
I'd go with Isekai Mahou for the "Less Laborious Lecturing" hint, since half of each volume is the MC giving lectures on magic. (Haven't read the manga to compare how different is at this though.)
@aruseus493 said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [8 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 3 LNs)! 2 AQUISITIONS YET TO BE CONFIRMED! IT'S MANGA TIME!!!]:
Abe's Last-Ditch Solution
When I read this, I thought of the whole abduction issue and North Korea.
The reminded with Gate but that's ouuta question...I guess -
I'd love for it to be Gate, but that's more of a wishful thing for me rather than having any real chance of getting rescued. I doubt Sam has managed to meet Alphapolis too. At least, he hasn't last we heard. (Less than a month ago I think.) -
Could be something based on the stories of Abe no Seimei, like Tokyo Ravens and other things. I'd love Tokyo Ravens, but that's Kadokawa and I dunno if Sam can get another Kadokawa property that soon. :) Could be another urban fantasy like that, though.
@aruseus493 said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [8 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 3 LNs)! 2 AQUISITIONS YET TO BE CONFIRMED! IT'S MANGA TIME!!!]:
Not Actually An Imouto Harem
It might be Kawaiikereba Hentai demo Suki ni Natte...but I prefer not tbh
since, I prefer getting the LN. -
Just typing out my thought pattern.