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Acquisitions Speculation - General
Didn't Sam basically confirm that the Dendrogram manga was coming in the Discord months ago? I think I remember reading that.
Other than that, the Realist Hero and Exterminator manga both sound likely.
@sniper_samurai The first could also be The faraway paladin, the artist is the same that did the Grimgar manga so the art isn't really good most of the time. And so characters design are quite strange.
@lazyproblems that'd be pretty dope. I love Imai Kami's art
@guspaz I looked at the drawing style and LN images are way better. The upgrades were not even necessary.
@sean-o-hara said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [8 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 3 LNs)! 2 AQUISITIONS YET TO BE CONFIRMED! IT'S MANGA TIME!!!]:
also could involve a motorcycle. I remember some LN/Manga having some middle aged dude riding a motorcycle in a fantasy world.
@corp20 said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [8 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 3 LNs)! 2 AQUISITIONS YET TO BE CONFIRMED! IT'S MANGA TIME!!!]:
also could involve a motorcycle. I remember some LN/Manga having some middle aged dude riding a motorcycle in a fantasy world.
Would love to get that one. It has a lot of volumes out too (it's up to volume 7). =)
Don't know anything about that Apache hint though.
You think we'll get any manga that don't have light novels in this set?
Just call Terminix
be a reference to Infinite Dendrogram's beginning?
Another random guess for the Terminix hint.
While it seems to be referring to The Terminator, maybe it's referring to "Who You Gonna Call? GhostB(ug)sters" too? ...(tugs at neck sleeve) cough, cough.
Still hope it's Exterminator though.
One little bump for discussions sake.
"The manga we deserve, but.."
That's a Batman reference, right? The "hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now..." quote comes from the Dark Knight apparently if that is the case. So maybe something with a Dark Knight?
Just a random guess that I don't know has anything to do with Dark Knights: The Legendary Hero is Dead manga. Because it was a hero that thought he was needed by the village, but nope, and he
@terrence Yuusha ga shinda?? I for one would pre-order this ASAP. We have to spread the Thighs cult.
The LNs in this batch are a bit further away than the manga, but here is a Curiouscat answer worth noting:
does any one of the five light novel that you are about to release have dark fantasy element on it like grimgar or goblin slayer? ☆_☆ and wheres the hint?
The LNs are a bit farther off than the manga. All of them are pretty light actually. But you have a point we should go grab something dark, we haven't licensed anything much like that lately!
Yeah, I saw that earlier. So we can expect them to be lighter. Probably means Mushi-Uta is out, but Exterminator still in (it looks laid back on the cover).
I'm curious, if the LN licenses are a bit further off, will we get manga version of something we don't have LN wise first (like Exterminator)? I always thought of the manga as good for catch up purposes, though I guess they still can be that if there's a manga license in the catch-up titles sometime down the line.
@paulnamida said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [8 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 3 LNs)! 2 AQUISITIONS YET TO BE CONFIRMED! IT'S MANGA TIME!!!]:
@terrence Yuusha ga shinda?? I for one would pre-order this ASAP. We have to spread the Thighs cult.
I would love it, but it's definitely my wishful thinking that is seeing it here. T_T
I have no clue about the Touhou hint. Touhou is a bullet-hell space shooter thingamajig with Moe gals with vampire fangs and cute dresses + ribbons... So I'm expecting whatever manga that is to look like that? Idk.
#3 Hint: Preferred Apache
Gate. It is definitely Gate.
@corp20 It's downright Gate and you know it.
As much as I would love Gate, I doubt it's Gate. Last I checked, it doesn't seem like Sam has been able to get a meeting with Alphapolis (the publisher).
@aruseus493 Alphapolis is the publisher of the light novel. The publisher for manga isn't always the same. Do we know the publisher of the manga is Alphapolis for sure?
@malloc Yes, Alphapolis is the publisher of the manga too. They self-publish most of their manga digitally. (They're one of the earlier LN publishers to have a heavy digital model for manga as far as I know.)
Thanks. Hopefully their comic book division is more willing to license digital only. I swear I once read Sam on Discord say that Alphapolis wasn't interested in digital only licensing.
@malloc I think that was Micro Magazine (Reincarnated as a Sword). The problem with Alphapolis is that they don't have an international licensing department(?) and he'd have to go through an agent or something like that.