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Acquisitions Speculation - General
@dtta said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [5 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED! 1 AQUISITIONS LEFT TO BE ANNOUNCED!]:
He made a comment elsewhere about twintails. I'm looking forward to hearing what that one was. Kind of hoping it's Lazy Dungeon Master, as I believe I recall Rokuko having twintails and it's Overlap.
Okay, so was Lazy Dungeon Master the "twintail" related title, or is there still something else?
Cause it's not like twintails is really an important element in that story. Feet maybe...
@chi-c I'm thinking something else.
Still hoping to see "Sasami-san@Ganbaranai" from Shogakukan. So many titles, My mouth was agape when I saw the announcements section. Wow, looking forward to all the announcements!
Sam mentioned in the Discord we might (not finalized yet) have 5 more titles on top of the AX ones, possibly to be announced in August or something.
Once the 12 teased get announced before + during AX, someone should make a new version of the "why can't I hold all these limes" image meme, but with the J-novel licenses.
I seriously can't fathom the potential of 17 new licenses.
Alright me, less typing more reading so you can get to a few of the twelve next month. xC
@terrence Ikr? Don’t we only have like 18 currently translating projects right now? Though at least 4 of those are on their last published volume in Japan, this will nearly double the pool...
Do any of your upcoming licenses have anime releases?
Gonna go ahead make some predictions for future licenses. We will see Slave Elf wife and Sorcerous Stabber Orphen licensed.
FYI I have guessed 5 licenses correctly so far including LDM :3
The question now is upcoming or already aired stuff? -
@aruseus493 I'm more willing to bet on already-aired stuff like Grimgar, Daimaou, and Outbreak Company. Otherwise we're kind of grasping at straws for what might get an upcoming adaptation that's far enough along in the process for Sam to know in advance that it's getting an anime.
^ It used to be Kadokawa, but it moved to GaGaGa. Has an anime. Someone was talking about a former Kadokawa title that switched pubs being a possibility for JNC.
Mardchen Madchen is another curious one, but I'm too lazy to look up it's publisher and viability right now. xC
^ It used to be Kadokawa, but it moved to GaGaGa. Has an anime. Someone was talking about a former Kadokawa title that switched pubs being a possibility for JNC.
Gagaga is anti digital so not gonna happen. Sorcerous Orphen switched from Kadokawa to Too books. ^^
@hak0 said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [12 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED!11 AQUISITIONS LEFT TO BE ANNOUNCED! NEW PUBLISHER!!!]:
Gagaga is anti digital.
I get what you mean, they may be anti digital only for releases, but the work is digitized in Japan on Kindle as well. Still, seems unlikely if they weren't willing to play ball earlier with digital only and wanted a physical release too in the west (and assuming Seven Seas would take on this property so JNC can release it to begin with would be a stretch).
I know there are some other pubs that were assumed to be anti digital-only that changed tunes, like the SB Creative label behind Ryou's work seemed before that released on Bookwalker.
Well even those Japanese digital books are region blocked. In any case if you ask me Sam is more likely to license from Kadokawa than Shogakukan. They have just made their position clear to him. They won't just have a change of heart the next day ^_^
They were against releasing it digitally first even if Sam got the license for the physical release. Which means they weren't even fine with a physical release unless it was done before the digital release which goes completely against how J-NC makes profit.
Look at every Shogakukan book Yen Press has. Not a single one has a digital release.
I almost watched the classic Orphen, but didn't (rented the DVD collection, but the 50 episodes was too imposing to finish in a week). I'd be all for that too as a fresh series to me.
Something like, hmm, Schwartzesmarken, I'd be a bit less crazy about since I have seen the anime and read some of the differences from the Wiki.
It has been a long time since i have taken any guesses on the new licences, but after very carefully reviewing all the hints Sam has been dropping the past 3~ months in Discord, I feel very confident in saying that 1 of the remaining 11 unannounced titles is the light novel that is part of Hobby Japan's catalog.
The other 10 are definitely of Japanese origin, i am at least 31.895% sure of that.
I'll make that <1% guess that Sam has expanded into the K-Novel Club market and licensed The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor or Dungeon Defense.
@aruseus493 said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [12 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED!11 AQUISITIONS LEFT TO BE ANNOUNCED! NEW PUBLISHER!!!]:
I'll make that <1% guess that Sam has expanded into the K-Novel Club market and licensed The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor or Dungeon Defense.
I find that to be unlikely. I mean, it's not impossible, but Sam's physically in Japan isn't he? His connections and business relationships are mainly in Japan, it's not like he can just take a quick trip over to Korean and talk to some publishers there.
Why not? It's a short flight, and he's already taken business trips elsewhere in Asia.
Gotta rebrand then.