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Acquisitions Speculation - General
Bidding War confirmed a forced meme! If that was ever in doubt, lol (it was totally in doubt after the title he mentioned it with got picked up by the prestigious Yen Press).
The "something spiceh" confirmed not to be "Do You Like Your Mom?"
You said you were working on licensing something spiceh, was it Do you like your Mother light novel or something else? It's the LN that Yen Press recently announced and you said you were sad that you lost the bidding war on it?
Nope. And the whole bidding war thing was just a forced meme I made up FYI.
I think the bidding war joke was about Vending Machine iirc though, not Mommy Isekai.
@terrence He made a bidding war joke on the reddit thread for Do You Like Your Mother license announcement.
From Curiosity Cat:
What are all the publishers jnovel club is currently licensing from?
Hobby Japan, Overlap, Kodansha, PHP Institute, Earthstar Novels, Bungeishunju...and more coming soon
Can we expect license in AX or no ?
Just one license? No...
He made a comment elsewhere about twintails. I'm looking forward to hearing what that one was. Kind of hoping it's Lazy Dungeon Master, as I believe I recall Rokuko having twintails and it's Overlap.
I’m down for about almost anything.
I asked this on the Curiosity. xP
Some light novel series got cancelled after only one or two volumes, but their web novels continue to be released for years after. Would you ever think about doing a dual license, license what we have of the published light novels and then license the unpublished web novels to complete the story?
It would have to be a pretty special series. Not impossible though.
So You're Telling Me There's a Chance?! 😅
Of course, the series I'd want this for aren't pretty special I think (unless special means "a genre we don't have" not "a series that will sell big big and is known"). =[
I was thinking of this one:
It last updated in December of 2017 on Syosetu. The light novel only got two parts in 2014.
@terrence interesting but still a possibility. Imagine JNC becoming a massive publisher in the future. That would be awesome.
Would be interesting if J-NC tried out the Cross Infinite World route and licensed the web novel if the light novel was cancelled. I'd want them to first focus on anything they already have licensed. Like I'm constantly worried about Mixed Bathing so I want that to keep getting published. Would be interesting if J-NC managed to grab the illustrators too.
I imagine the whole process would be a lot longer between volumes though as they'd essentially be taking the role of the Japanese publisher.
I think JNC translating WN could work well with JNCs Pre-pub system.
@terrence That's not very different from Watafuta. Two volumes of LN, but a fair amount more of WN. In contrast, the author of Watafuta is working on a third volume.
@drone205 While I agree that JNC's prepubs would be a good fit to a lot of WN, I have concerns about how the Japanese publishers might view that course of action. It could be seen as wanting to be a direct competitor rather than a cooperative partner. Doesn't that Chinese company, Qudan, I think, use that sort of business model?
Personally, I think it would be better to grow the market share using the current model until Kadokawa notices and hopefully, tosses some titles JNC's way.
Yeah that would be nice, JNC would be like the netflix of the light novel industry 😬.
Dunno if I posted this one in regards to "twin tails", but this could be one if we're getting a new pub.
"Why can studying otaku run a top in even a battlefield?" / "The Pen is Mightier Than A Superpower"
Sorry. That attack is prerequisite!
"Let me tell you. Study is the strongest!"
There is a guy who awakens to an alien and is the only one in a school where "memorabilas" gather, one who devotes himself to study.
That name is Shinodo Shinko.
The academic staff who strikes "academic" which is never evaluated in this school of combat power supremism ... ... Continuing war!
If you apply excessive excessive academic knowledge you can disable electric shock with rubber gloves! Fight back the bad guys with memorization! Ultrasonic waves of terrorists all over the world! Attack directly to the enemy hideful in quantum tunnel theory!
"Well, I can not imagine that!" Furthermore, it is too bad
for the head to be ranked first in the hierarchy of study otaku, but rather it is stupid! What?
Learning Otaku will penetrate my beliefs, Prince of Knowledge Prince's school girls games, opening game! !Heroes that use their intellect to win seem up JNC's alley.
This is a GA Bunko work.
Just another Curiosity Cat exchange I found interesting. I know Sam has said this idea is a possibility in the past, but this was a little more emphatic.
Do you think English LN sales can ever be significant enough that a publisher keeps a series going despite JP sales? Or even "uncancel" a series?
Yes. In fact I'd say it's far more likely than anime or manga because the production cost in Japan isn't that high comparatively.
Maybe it means we should keep an open mind on license requests of stuff that hasn't had a volume in a year or two and is still considered ongoing? IDK. But still nice to know that American sales have the potential to possibly keep a series going. Obviously we got a license semi-recently in "Me A Genius" where it's only 3 volumes. Sol Press' first two licenses were also things that didn't go beyond 2-3 volumes too. So knowing there's even the slightest chance that if something does super well it could possibly be continued is neat.
I know this happened with the Adventure Novel series "Zero Escape" and its third entry, possible mainly due to the Western response to the series. Don't know if this has happened with any other Japanese media.
@terrence Two titles that I know have had a long time between volumes are Clockwork Planet and Mixed Bathing in Another Dimension. Of the "completed" (finished and fully translated) series, none of the ones I have read would lend themselves to being restarted, I wouldn't mind seeing more of Paying to Win.
@paul-nebeling Not to mention Second Path.
Mixed Bathing isn't canceled or ended, though. It's just that the author is slow on the source material, so they need to gather enough content each time to produce a new LN volume. I'm not sure that sales of the English LN could somehow make the author publish the free WN chapters any faster.
@guspaz Most folks think that Mixed Bathing's author writes more as a side job than as a full-time author.
On the Announcements page, there are 2 “Pre AX” titles, and SEVEN AX titles!!! I’m so excited!
And with MAL coming back, man this day can’t get much better.