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Acquisitions Speculation - General
We lack romcoms so hopefully we get some. At least that’s what I hope are some (One at least) of the licenses that we get.
I think Sam mentioned wanting rom-coms before, but said a lot of them lie behind publishers and labels he didn't have yet.
Hopefully he sweet talked some new labels for this conference. x)
(Gamers, Hensuki, or Oresuki plz; or some wild fun thing we haven't heard of yet).
Hm, there aren't that many titles that don't need changed for an English audience. Gamers and Cop Craft seem like good guesses.
Wonder how the Marginal Operation manga has been doing for JNC. If it's been okay then the original LN might be an easy target.
Mayyyybe Heavy Object? That's not licensed yet right? I don't care for it but a Kazuma Kamachi title might be seen as a feather in the cap for JNC.
Edit: Wait a minute Slayers doesn't require a new title
@terrence said in Acquisitions Speculation - General [AnimeNYC Nov 15-17]:
Gamers, Hensuki, or Oresuki plz
I'd love any/all of those
@saffire said in Acquisitions Speculation - General [AnimeNYC Nov 15-17]:
Mayyyybe Heavy Object? That's not licensed yet right?
last time I checked Heavy Object still is unlicensed (It's still up on BT and they are very conscientious about taking down fan translations when licensed in English)
I liked the Anime, the books a little less so- but that might be more about the fan translation vs. the source works. (and it was also years ago...)
I had given up on Gamers! because of Kadokawa, but now....
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@caramelwithoutthesalt Not the briar patch! Please, anything but the briar patch!
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@nosgoroth Sorry it's not really linked to the discussion, but what does "briar patch" mean in that situation ?
@raitoiro It references an old story in which a rabbit begs a fox not to throw him into a briar patch. The fox then does exactly that, without realizing that that was exactly what the rabbit wanted, because as he was familiar with the briar patch he would be able to escape that way.
Perhaps Caramel was trying to use reverse psychology on Sam to get him to license Gamers?
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@nosgoroth thank for the explanation, i had never heard of that story before
@raitoiro You don't know Uncle Remus? :)
@crey Yes, never heard of him before, well aside from a list of forbidden cartoons (because of "Song of the South").
@caramelwithoutthesalt Where I watched the anime and was in tears from laughing so hard. Tastes will vary.
Hey when is the panel for the announcements?
Yeah Mystaros gave me this like in discord but thanks guys