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Acquisitions Speculation - General
JNC definitly was the best batch this year, "Otherside Picnic" and "Altima the sword princess" look really interesting.
Plus we're getting more wars and female lead titles so ti give me hope for "The girl who ate a death god" -
@myskaros TAKE MY MONEY, SAM!
The Kickstarter sounds great. One of the main thing which puts me off from many Kickstarters is high shipping costs and uncertainty regarding customs issues due to living outside the US. Hopefully that won't be a barrier for this Kickstarter.
@raitoiro said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [Double-digit JNC announcements at Anime Expo on Saturday!]:
JNC definitly was the best batch this year, "「Omae Gotoki ga Maou ni Kateru to Omou na」 to Yuusha Party wo Tsuihou Sareta no de, Outo de Kimama ni Kurashitai", "Otherside Picnic" and "Altima the sword princess" look really interesting.
Plus we're getting more wars and female lead titles so ti give me hope for "The girl who ate a death god"Wrong book, it's this one.
Onna dakara, to Party wo Tsuihou Sareta node Densetsu no Majo to Saikyou Tag wo Kumimashita!
女だから、とパーティを追放されたので伝説の魔女と最強タッグを組みました!You also missed one, the Seinaru Kishi no Ankokudou, which is a brand new book from OVERLAP.
I'll definitely back the Rokujouma Kickstarter on Day 1. I really hope there's enough turnout for it to succeed. I'm also pretty excited for Altina and interested in Beatless. Otherwise, I'll probably be checking out the prepubs for the rest anyway and see if any stick for me.
@myskaros Yeah, I don't know why I mixed the 2
It's sad, the one we are not getting look way more interestingIt's more that I didn't find anything for it, if you have a link for it would be cool.
@raitoiro I believe it's a brand-new series, that's probably why there's little info on it. It has a web novel, but those don't get much English press unless someone fan translates it.
hmm, for jnc licenses the only one I remember seeing in suggestions or otherwise hearing about was the otherworld picnic. Kinda disappointed that out of my wishlist only Majo no Tabitabi was licensed (by yenpress), but on the bright side a number of these look interesting and I'll probably try them all and should find at least a few that I'll follow.
Anyone know when the next event that licenses are likely to be announced at is?
Some good gets there. "Cooking With Wild Game" manga and both of "Demon Lord Retry" have me really excited.
@hyperion I was AFK when he was talking about Beatless, so can you give me the details on that. I know it somehow involves a contract with Tokyo Otaku Mode but that's all I caught.
I wanted that "Kicked Out of the Party for Being a Woman, now I join the Legendary Witch in my own Party" one based on how Verdelish was enjoying it and the social commentary read into it by a poster on Twitter (about the Tokyo Medical thing), just never made a thread.
Citation for the Tokyo Medical aspect: comedy one with the guy starting his own evil organization sounds fun too (kind of chuuni comedy?). That red dress really stands out on the cover.
Altina I've seen the cover for, but I don't know much. Go in with an open, blind read-through I think. =)
And the Yuri SciFi horrorish one I'm intrigued by (the one they said was like creepypastas come to life as the enemies / obstacles). x)
@gocav Tokyo Otaku Mode has the "streaming" rights to Beatless, and they've contracted JNC to do the translation. You can read the prepubs only as a TOM premium member. JNC will be publishing the ebooks in 2020.
I'll be curious to see how their reader is.
TOM Premium itself sounds interesting. You get 110% cash back if you do the 90 day auto renewal thingie (so you effectively get 10% free cash, and your money back to spend on site?)?
Gotta say I hope the novel version of Maou Sama Retry is better than the anime has been so far. Really the only reason I remember the first episode is because the female lead looks like a blonde version of Rem from Re:Zero.
Never unhappy to see licenses for stuff that isn't heavily requested. Usually that just means it flew under people's radars. Given this is a translation group, most of the people who come here do so because they aren't fluent enough to read the raws. Hence most readers have a high degree of ignorance when it comes to what all is out there. I think it is less that we aren't getting the titles we wanted and more that we are getting the titles we never knew we wanted. Just have to go into it with an open mind.
Crowdsourcing for print runs seems like a cool idea. Probably more efficient for expressing interest than buying the ebooks. I'm sure there are people who would glady dump more than the $200 worth of ebooks if it meant a print run and this provides a better outlet for them to do that.
Most excited for the Kickstarter if that’s a big hit you might see j novel do more of them for some other passion projects or harder to get licenses
@ant13099 well, Sam said he didn't intend to do it for licenses and thinks that's a bad idea in principle, so we probably won't be seeing Kickstarter Kino's Journey anytime soon
It was pretty generic/weak. But I’ll give it more than a couple of episodes before I write it off (and I’ll read the LNs regardless, smartphone and ragnarok both had pretty lousy anime’s but the LNs are very good)
So Altina, Isekai Maou's author and Isekai Mahou's original illustrator. I'll definitely take a look. Perhaps the illustrator was able to put insert illustrations this time.
As for Rokujouma, I love the series. Hopefully there will be a way to back the digital/bonus stuff since I don't buy physical stuff. I don't have a place to put
3133 freaking volumes! -
@crimson-wise I will find the space. I will MAKE the space!