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Acquisitions Speculation - General
@yumenokage misspoke a bit I more meant if the Kickstarter is a big hit than the funds it brings into J Novel will allow them to get more licenses and do more passion projects
@crimson-wise said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [Double-digit JNC announcements at Anime Expo on Saturday!]:
I don't have a place to put 31 freaking volumes!
It will be compiled into 10 volume, 3-4 regular volumes each.
@terrence Will have to see if I still have a TOM membership... Used them to buy most of the To Love-Ru Darkness manga... Ordered the last of those just a few days before the English editions were announced.
@raitoiro That's true, although to be fair, they are still 31 volumes worth of content. Well, actually 33, since I wasn't counting 7.5 and 8.5. Volume 32 was also just released in Japan so it keeps growing...
@ant13099 there would have to be a massive & I mean MASSIVE amount of money for that to be true.
If they hit the 50K goal that will allow V1 - V31 to be put out physically, if they make more money that will all go towards the stretch goals (like the box & Drama CDs). So they would have to theoretically clear all of the stretch goals and then make even more money on top of that for then to say hey let’s use this cash to license more stuff.
Not to mention if they do clear all stretch goals and make extra money anything on top would probably be ear marked to be used for future volumes of Rokujouma to be put out physically.
Wasn't as good as I hoped, especially after the amazing last year's AX, but I suppose it wasn't as bad as I feared either. An okay batch. On a first glance will at least read Altina.
Overall this AX was really underwhelming in terms of ranobe announcements, huh. Oh well, at least we finally have some closure with Bunny Girl.
Regarding Beatless, does anyone know what the difference is between the 2012 release and the two volumes they released last year? Are those rereleases that got split up for the anime?
Most exciting announcement for me was Otherside Picnic and the Rokujouma kickstarter. It is nice to see that JNC is completing Beatless for us too.
@terrence said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [Double-digit JNC announcements at Anime Expo on Saturday!]:
Just Bakemonogatari audiobooks and Owarimonogatari cover reveal
I wasn't really sure if the audiobooks were financially successful enough for Vertical, but I'm glad to see that they are continuing with them. They're even hiring multiple performers per volume.
So, nothing I'm immediately excited about, but a bunch of unknows (for me) that might be good once I try them. Bring it on, I say, release those previews.
Excited about the Rokujouma thing, but a bit concerned like @Shiny about how it'll work with being outside the US
@lazyproblems said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [Double-digit JNC announcements at Anime Expo on Saturday!]:
Regarding Beatless, does anyone know what the difference is between the 2012 release and the two volumes they released last year? Are those rereleases that got split up for the anime?
There's likely no differences between the 2 releases, except for the number of volumes, Jp publisher seems to prefer a higher number of smaler books nowday, they did something similar to Shiki and Shinsekai yori
Really excited for the Rokujouma Kickstarter, I definately plan to support it once its up. I just hope they offer shipping outside the united states for those in other countries.
@artistofmanga Sam said in the panel (I watched the live stream from the link one or two pages back) that it'll be an international affair, so presumably intl shipping will be available.
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I've been wanting to read Altina for some time now, happy that I can read it here in the near future. As for the other LNs I don't really know them but Otherside Picnic and evil organization look interesting.
@an4th said in Acquisitions Speculation - General [AX is over]:
I've been wanting to read Altina for some time now, happy that I can read it here in the near future. As for the other LNs I don't really know them but Otherside Picnic and evil organization look interesting.
Fan translation is up to volume 5 of Altina, never thought someone will pick it up.
To me, this batch of licenses looks like a whole bunch of nothings.
Fairly empty batch of announcements for me. Nothing I'm really interested in, though I will check out a few titles to see how they read.
Altina... I think I checked the manga a little and the beginning of the fan translation. Didn't really grab my attention and as I understand there's a lot of war. But I know lot of people have requested it.
Assassin one might be ok, also read just a bit of fan translation. Got the impression it will get heavy on vengeance?
Demon Lord, Retry I read the first volume/arc of fan translation and it was... weird. Not sure if that's due to translation or is it truly the author's style. Also didn't find any likable characters except perhaps Aku.
And good luck to everyone enthusiastic about the kickstarter. :) I read digitally and don't buy physical, but hope you will make the target amount and all the extras. -
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JNC definitely saved the day with other publishers' announcement being so bleak. I'm interested in almost all of their licenses (except for Retry and, maybe, that chuuni knight one).
And Rokujouma kickstarter was a cherry on top. I hope basic info on tiers/rewards will be out soon - I need to know how many kindneys I need to sell beforehand.@zing it's up to vol.14 + side story volume.
@wellwisher said in Acquisitions Speculation - General [AX is over]:
@zing it's up to vol.14 + side story volume.
That's nice, I suppose.
Dont have any interest in Altina. -
So, now that JNC has a relationship with Futabasha, here's a list of all Futabasha titles that have been requested here if you're interested in giving them another look:
- Elf Tensei Kara no Cheat Kenkoku-ki
- Guild no Cheat na Uketsukejo (The Guild’s Cheat Receptionist)
- Hisshou Dungeon Un'ei Houhou
- Monster no Goshuujin-sama (Monster Tamer)
- Shingan no Yuusha (Hero of God Eye)
- Shini Yasui Kōshaku Reijō to Nana-ri no Kikōshi
- Shinka no Mi: Shiranai Uchi ni Kachigumi Jinsei (The Seed of Evolution ~Before I knew it I was one of the champions~)
- Suterareta Yuusha no Eiyuutan
- Takarakuji de 40-oku Atattandakedo Isekai ni Ijuu Suru