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Acquisitions Speculation - General
Thank you for Crest of the Stars! That was my favorite license, but I'll give all the LNs a shot because one may surprise me. As for the manga, I'm interested in Marginal Operation since military/war stories are my jam and Discommunication seems refreshingly different.
Awesome! Crest of the Stars and FMP in print, I love that! I also like the Marginal Operation manga so cool to hear it getting a print release as well. I tried the Wortenia Senki manga but I wasn't feeling it. I like the art style for Around 40 Eigyou-man, Isekai ni Tatsu!: Megami Power de Jinsei Nidome no Nariagari, it sounds super cute.
edit: Hm, I wonder if Marginal Operation is getting an anime, that would be neat.
The Middle age man look interesting, i hope it really doesn’t end on a clinfhanger tho.
I'm little sad that the rescue title isn't Gosick but Crest of the Stars does look interesting, save for the the art which look really bad.The other 3 doesn't look really interesting, yuri is kind of boring when it doesn’t come with canibalist space monster or the truth on the univer and Gacha game ^^
and Wortenia Seki look kinda blend.It's great that Marginal operation, is going to be print tho, the manga annoucement seem really good that time.
For the lns, looks like I’m only interested in the Crest of the Stars series from this batch of announcements. FMP hardcover omnibuses is awesome news, along with the other print editions we knew about from amazon.
Looks like the manga were the big winners for me this time around. Discommunication in particular seemed pretty intriguing from the first chapter they’ve uploaded, and I’m looking forward to reading Undead and Paladin later.
I'm pretty happy with this slate.
Obviously happy the "Around 40" family novel got picked up since that was a request.
I wanted more space opera for a bit and Crest of the Stars stood out (I actually like the art, and it's only cover art; the book doesn't have any actual in book inserts).
I think I'll enjoy Wortenia Senki too.
The two Yuri I'll give a chance. I'm not a huge Vampire fan, but that's more the Shoujo vampire tropes that I'm not big into. Comedy vampire stuff can be fun. The other Yuri has a really neat looking cover, but I need to try reading it first.
JNC said that military manga can be read on it's own (I think it was implied as a unique experience); I'm curious what that means. Is it really different than the LN?
That weird Buddhist romance manga I'm definitely going to look into buying. =P
Manga-side, Paladin manga is nice, and I can look at the manga for Unwanted Undead to see if I want to get into the LN. Sweet Reincarnation looks like my type of isekai fun; here's hoping the LN gets licensed at some point like that other TO Books title. Marginal Operation isn't really my thing but it does look like a good title and it's getting a print release too so that's cool for its fans. And Discommunication is exactly the sort of quirky-cute manga I need in my life.
As for LNs, Businessman isekai pretty much checks all of my boxes so I'm definitely excited for it. "Senki" titles aren't really my thing so I'll probably pass on Wortenia, though considering how many votes it had in the suggestions forum I know it's popular (who says Sam doesn't license stuff from that forum?). As for the two yuri titles, I'm always up for cute vampires and little sisters, yuri or not, so that one I'll check out; the other is a maybe. And I was one of the ten people who voted on Crest of the Stars's suggestion thread, so yeah, I'm definitely excited for that, though with as much as I have to read I'll probably take a raincheck on it and wait for those omnibus hardcovers... though the news that they're getting hardcover prints is amazing, too.
I,m very happy with Crest of the Stars announcement, but almost equally worried about how baronh will be handled. Translating it in English will go against the point of it being there (not to mention that not all words have direct translations), but leaving it as it is will be hard on readers. I doubt someone can learn it quick enough to comfortably read lines like this:
Glaharerl Byrer Gyuknel, Spen Labular, Rue Loebe, Lonyu Kotoponi Aron-Laiturel Jarlyum Razeria is online. -
@wellwisher Can't they just do like in japanese and let what's was in Baronh in the original as Baronh and use english for everything in japanese ?
Anyway if it's well define I'm looking forward for the language aspect, it look really interesting. -
@raitoiro Iirc, all baronh in jp text was deciphered in furigana. Something tells me that doing it like that for english release, especially for e-books, will be it's own circle of hell.
I'm not into yuri but these sound like they could be fun:
Middle-Aged Businessman Makes a Name for Himself in Another World Thanks to Goddess Power! (Kodansha, answer to "Do You Like Your Mom?")
Record of Wortenia WarI enjoyed the Crest of the Stars anime when I watched it long ago, possibly even on VHS.
Well I’m pretty stoked for the middle aged businessman and for Crest if Stars. I’ll try to read all the volume ones as they all seem at least pretty interesting but damn it’s getting harder and harder to keep up with all the great light novels being released so it may be a while.
"Hm, I keep hearing this 'Wortenia' title. I wonder what it's about. Let me look it up."
Googled descriptions: dark, contains rape, violence, and gore
"Okay, I'll just stay far, far away from that, I suppose."
The Middle-Aged Businessman sounds interesting, and the Vampire Seeking Sister sounds hilarious, so I'm looking forward to those. Side By Side Dreamers seems a little predictable, but I could be wrong, and so far the single part released looks promising. Not sure about Crest Of The Stars; I remember bouncing off the first few minutes of the anime (I forgot if it was Crest or Banner), as in it simply didn't hold my interest at the time. My tastes may have changed since then, though, and it's in a different medium now.
@unsynchedcheese said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [9 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 4 LNs) 1 LN Unconfirmed!]:
"Okay, I'll just stay far, far away from that, I suppose."
Yep, ZackZeal did specifically warn in Discord that this was a gory title haha.
I should uhh
that anyone that's like
bad with mutilation and gore
might want to be careful
like it's not berserk level but uhh
ryoma doesn't fuck around lol -
Seeing all these announcements happening during SakuraCon makes me wonder if they were planning of having a panel but had to scrap it for whatever reason, i hope they have a panel next year.
For novels, nothing that I really want, but nice to see some variety.
The Sci-Fi Yuri cover kinda attracts me.
I'll try the first part and see but it sounds kinda like my thing.
Also, hope it would get printed like the rest of Hayakawa titles (already pestered my local bookstore to get Hayakawa titles as fast as possible)I am only 23 so wasn't watching anime when Crest and FMP anime came out and haven't watched them yet....actually, didn't know that Crest existed in the first place lol.
So can't get excited over them (even kinda jealous how they got physical run from the get go)I am not Senki guy but the talk that it might be dark or gory kinda interests me so might give it a go
For manga, it's just Discommunication for me~
So everything balances out, after a good batch announcements this one contains nothing that interests me.
Congratulations to everybody who got something exciting to read. :) -
@eternal-wanderer said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [9 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 4 LNs) 1 LN Unconfirmed!]:
Seeing all these announcements happening during SakuraCon makes me wonder if they were planning of having a panel but had to scrap it for whatever reason
They wanted to have a panel but I believe Sakura Con themselves said that only companies that sponsor the con are allowed to have a Panel
@myskaros Let me double check this. Two (or three) completed series, one ongoing, and one that sounds like it's in the same state as Watafuta.
Did Sam say he was picking up Banner of the Stars as well?
@paul-nebeling said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [9 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 4 LNs) 1 LN Unconfirmed!]:
Did Sam say he was picking up Banner of the Stars as well?
Yes, that's included too.
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