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Ascendance of a Bookworm confirmed?! I Can't pre-order hard or fast enough!
Yes, that’s it I’m done.
I’ve lost all rights to ever ask for another title again.
I’m just so happy now that I know almost for sure I’ll get to read the entire story, and at a good pace as well.
I wonder though Sam said that the length of these might cause some issues for J novels pricing model.
@nosgoroth said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [9 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 4 LNs) 1 LN Unconfirmed!]:
JNC licenses Ascendance of a Bookworm!
Sam, you magnificent bastard.
Yay, finally another JNC series to read! Thanks, Sam!
@catstorm said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [9 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 4 LNs) 1 LN Unconfirmed!]:
I’m just so happy now that I know almost for sure I’ll get to read the entire story, and at a good pace as well.Good pace? No no no, the pace is going to be ridiculous, one of these massive monsters every two months-ish.
I just went premium because yeah.
This has shot to number one on my let’s hope for a print edition list, it would look really nice on my bookshelf.
@nosgoroth Quof is translating this EVERY TWO MONTHS?! Mad respect for him and JNC (and his editor, may they rest in peace). I might just go premium too after having been a year and a half of regular membership.
@legitpancake said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [9 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 4 LNs) 1 LN Unconfirmed!]:
@nosgoroth Quof is translating this EVERY TWO MONTHS?! Mad respect for him and JNC (and his editor, may they rest in peace). I might just go premium too after having been a year and a half of regular membership.
He's mad -- they're mad -- but it's to our great benefit so don't tell them.
"One more thing"....
Don't do this to us! xD
@nosgoroth Set engines for ludicrous speed, although even at that speed it's still 3 years to catch up with where the Japanese release is today if I'm reading it right (18 LN vols with series currently ongoing).
I'm so glad that JNC was the one to get this and not the other publishers. It'll just take us roughly 3 years to catch up with JNC while it'll be 5-6 years if not. -
Wow, didn't really expect a Full Metal Panic rescue of all things. I'm not a big fan of FMP but I do hope that it can do well and open the gates for more series of this kind. Go, go, FMP!
@rahul-balaggan said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [9 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 4 LNs) 1 LN Unconfirmed!]:
@novurdim as someone who has been asking for food related content since JNC was first founded, and has specifically mentioned said license on numerous occasions, I will have to politely disagree.
I actually like this story as well and am looking forward to a professional translation of it. I am enjoying cooking with wild game more than I thought I would as well.
I am also excited for Full Metal Panic. It is a license I didn't know I wanted. I watched the anime long before I was interested in light novels at all so I never knew it had a light novel. Why is this one called a license rescue? Did someone license the light novel and it flopped?
@malloc said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [9 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 4 LNs) 1 LN Unconfirmed!]:
Why is this one called a license rescue? Did someone license the light novel and it flopped?
@doublemangekyo I am not familiar with Tokyopop, but I have heard people talk about them in a negative context. Did they licence a lot of light novels then not produce them?
@malloc In the early 2000s, they were a major manga publisher that also extended into Light Novels. They weren't well liked though because of their extremely liberal translations which sometimes completely changed aspects of the stories. In addition, they weren't very good about fully publishing series and would often drop stuff that didn't meet their sales expectations. This resulted in a huge flooding of the manga market until the bubble burst and people didn't buy as much manga/LNs. Tokyopop ended up going under and all of their licenses were lost with Japanese publishers shying away from licensing a lot of stuff out after.
@malloc They licenced quite a few lns and usually cancelled them after 3 volumes. They also had a bad reputation for loose translations, iirc Initial D and the Battle Royale manga were particularly bad. They made Battle Royale into a reality tv show in their translation which breaks the ending as it cannot work if there are cameras present.
Whoa I've been waiting for FMP for a while! Looking at the message this increases my hopes for Kino no Tabi finally being rescued.
Maybe people will stop whining about "isekai trash" too, as the Isekai is funding a few other works.
Who'm I kidding, the virtue signalling will continue. (Note: it's fine to not like isekai. I just get tired of the 'Isekai sucks and if you like it you have no taste' people. :)
@dtta People saying they hate isekai's are the new isekai's :P
@dtta Isekai is trash and so am I.