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Acquisitions Speculation - General
Well, if we are competing, I can add my and Bookwalker wishlist, and the rest of my documents lol
But I am too lazy for that. lol
I thought it was like 200-250 titles...but to find the list might have reached 1k (that was a surprise) -
Can someone help me with this license a bit. I'd like to request it because it seems to be Yuri comedy, but I just don't know what the title even is in English.
" 将来的に死んでくれ "
It's fan-translated with romaji title, Shouraiteki ni Shindekure. -
But, weellll, if you are looking for title translation, Google Translate ain't pulling your leg lol
Shouraiteki (Shourai = Future, teki is to turn noun into adjectives)
Shindekure (Shinde = die, kure = informal please)So, yeah, It's something along the lines of "Please die in the future" lol (but I am not the best to ask around about JP anyway)
@sam-dukes said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [9 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 4 LNs) 1 LN Unconfirmed!]:
@Terrence Thats really disappointing..ah well. I've read the WN so I'd have to wait either way to get to a point where the content is new anyhow.
I have to wait until around vol 3-ish to get to new content for me.
@drone205 Yeah I'm up to chapter 303 in the WN, whichever book that is for Sword Dad.
@sam-dukes I assume each book is like 25-30 ish WN chapters as it roughly lines up with what would be a climax for each book
I just hope the book is heavily edited.
I read the WN now and then and holy crap is there a lot of meandering croft in there. Not even Slice of Life, just meandering and wallowing and not /anything/, interspersed by cool action and slice of life.
Arifureta again. It's possible they are mocking us.
@novurdim Yesterday I thought "At least there is no more Arifurueta for them to license" but I was wrong... I swear they are just trolling us at this point
Is there any more Arifureta they could license? A doujinishi perhaps? An anthology with different mangaka? =P
@terrence The Drama CD hasn't been licensed yet, if they want to go there.
speaking of anthologies I wouldn't mind if they licensed the YagaKimi anthology that came out recently
I want the Hoshiro Girldrop anthology. x)
Looks like the next one Seven Seas picked up is a manga series, Nicola's Demon World Travels. I haven't heard of this one, but it seems interesting.
My guess for next one: Gyaru Tensei - Isekai Seikatsu Maji Darui
Another very recent Comic Garden title...
Like this one and ghostly things only got out like near beginning of last year. -
@dtta wheel of time, lots of walking scenes lol.
@drone205 if i rememer correctly its a floating island