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Acquisitions Speculation - General
@bloodygaikotsu I agree we need more variety. I desperately want more contemporary rom coms and dramas. I've been supporting what few we have gotten so far. We seem to have similar tastes going by your license suggestions. Unfortunately, it looks like we're the minority.
I've been disappointed with the Yen Press licenses lately. They are the ones with the first-dibs relationship with Kadokawa. I just don't understand why they are constantly licensing the obscure titles instead of balancing them out with the big ones that many people really want: basically most of the titles with the high # of votes on the suggestions forum. Don't get me wrong, I like small, unknown titles too-I have many favorites from this site that prove that-I just wish there was a way Yen Press could balance them more with the big titles. Maybe they could try doing a digital-first line too?
On a positive note, I'm always glad to see more LN brought over. It's a good sign of its growing popularity. I'm grateful that 86 and Classroom of the Elite in particular have been licensed as well as Tomihiko Morimi books. And I'm glad Yen Press picked up Tomozaki-kun.
That bach of licence is kind of underwellming, for me it's not really a problem of diversity even if it slow we're getting more and more title outside of the fantasy, isekai, slice of life genres.
But none of the new lincence seem like really awaited seried, Potion loli is fun and The alchimiste one seem interesting, but nothing great.Same for the manga aside from A very fairy appartement which look really fun the other aren't that attractive, well Ascendance of bookworm is really cool but it's more the idea that it could mean having more chance to get JNC to lincence the LN if the manga do well that is interesting.
Even more since for most of the other manga we allready have the LN version. -
I actually really liked the look of everything Yen announced at Anime NYC (besides the film adaptation one, Wolf Children?). So overall I've been happy with Yen.
Just this batch was a little underwhelming. Nothing I'll be buying day 1.
From the three announced LNs today, I think I'm only interested in that fantasy one from YP about the Last Alchemist. Although they should have put more effort into the announcement as using title gore was kind of bad.
I'm interested in the Alchemist one too. I actually had the WN on my list of things to check out; but at this point I'll just wait for YP to publish it. Hopefully they catch up quickly since it has only 4 volumes...
When will announcement page be updated with current info?
When will OP be updated with current info? -
(By the way, we're going to wait and post the new January licensing survey NEXT week, since some titles in this week's license event are regulars in our results. After we grant those wishes, you can adjust your license requests. 😄)
In Seven Seas We Trust.
It's fairly easy to top the recent announcements of the competition.
I would say your tastes encompass mine (more than just similar), but I had my suspicions when I saw your review on Kasane lol (Hopefully, we get physical release of it)
BTW, it has a prequel novel about her mother and lipstick called Izana so it would be nice if the readership increases enough for Kodansha/Vertical to be interested.
Unfortunately, it looks like we're the minority.
Tbh, I still don't understand how taste thing works here.
I see same type of "these unpopular" series getting attention while others are not even checked.
While I may attribute some things to recency effect like Seishun buta, I dunno about the rest.
I just keep suggesting whatever I like hoping something get popular for a reason I don't understand.
(Actually, for 2 days now, my Netoge and Shomin threads are getting another surge of upvotes...I seriously still don't get how this works lol)
I really wonder about YP lately, any "good" series will go over 13 volumes (or stop before 15 if it's non-fantasy or at least fantasy with more focus on romcom or drama), so why going for these smaller series that has similar volume number? I still don't get YP.
yeah, I think they kill it at AX
like for me it was Tomihiko Morimi > Hayakawa titles and Kokoro connect > everything else. -
@raitoiro said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [9 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 4 LNs) 1 LN Unconfirmed!]:
But none of the new lincence seem like really awaited seried, Potion loli is fun
While Potion loli ain't as high among the suggestion threads but I think after seven seas license of FUNA, I think it was the awaited for those group of people.
I think the awaited series differ from group to another and from person to another.
When I read that, I thought soooooo
we are getting "Gamers"?
I think @Aruseus493 has suggested it enough to be a regular lol -
@bloodygaikotsu said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [9 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 4 LNs) 1 LN Unconfirmed!]:
I really wonder about YP lately, any "good" series will go over 13 volumes (or stop before 15 if it's non-fantasy or at least fantasy with more focus on romcom or drama), so why going for these smaller series that has similar volume number? I still don't get YP.
TUEEE is probably going to be long, it's a Konosuba like comedy, and it's popular / heavily marketed, and getting an anime. Torture Chan as well is pretty sizeable I think and ongoing?
That Arthur series by the Bastard Magical guy is the really short one at two volumes so far.
I do wonder, would you want Yen Press to start on a series that already has 10+ volumes at their pace? I'd rather they get in on the ground floor with stuff they know is successful at the moment than something successful but old to torture us with their snail's paced release schedule. T_T
@bloodygaikotsu said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [9 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 4 LNs) 1 LN Unconfirmed!]:
When I read that, I thought soooooo
we are getting "Gamers"?
I think @Aruseus493 has suggested it enough to be a regular lolLol, let's hope so.
I read it as "You're getting Gal Gohan. Stahp suggesting it, geez".
@terrence said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [9 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 4 LNs) 1 LN Unconfirmed!]:
I do wonder, would you want Yen Press to start on a series that already has 10+ volumes at their pace? I'd rather they get in on the ground floor with stuff they know is successful at the moment than something successful but old to torture us with their snail's paced release schedule. T_T
Lemme tell u a little story about myself.
Years ago, I finished the fan translation of Oregairu Vol. 9 still got 10 to read and 11 was mostly out when Yen Press announced that they licensed it.
I didn't read volumes 10 and 11 and here I am waiting for the official physical release.So, yeah, I don't mind as long as I'm getting it on my shelf, plus I find it weird picking a long series without any pre-established basis in the western market over one that already has (or going to have like anime)
@bloodygaikotsu said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [9 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 4 LNs) 1 LN Unconfirmed!]:
I find it weird picking a long series without any pre-established basis in the western market over one that already has (or going to have like anime)
Tomozaki-kun, Torture Chan, Megumin Spinoff, Wolf Children, Witch Academia, and TUEEE all fit the anime stipulation though. Only 3 of the recent licenses aren't guaranteed anime (Arthur, Dirty Way, and that Shoujo Adventure one from today).
6/9 isn't too bad (I may be forgetting one random license they've posted since Anime NYC).
TUEEE, Tomkzaki, and Torture Chan will probably be long series too.
Anime Expo line-up is something I understand (I even predicted some of the titles), but I'm talking about 2018 as whole, not just the last few series. (Don't forget I guessed Mugmin spinoff as well)
Pre-Ax and Post-AX, majority of their license are abscure stuff, also the ratio of their Kadokawa to non-Kadokawa titles is off too. (Like why one-shot from Shueisha, like is there some agreement or deal behind this?) -
So which hints are still left?
I want to try guessing again. I got two half-heartedly guessing this round. x)
Manga Hints:
The Manga Adaptaton of LN#1 (#1 as in Complete the Triptych)Potion loli
Not Actually An Imouto HaremMaster of Ragnarok **Edited on 1/23
Now With Less Laborious LecturingIsekai Mahou
Fall In Love All Over AgainElf Bride
Ironically No Anime AdaptationAnimetaLN hints:
Complete the TriptychPotion loli
My Frenchman Will Be PleasedCooking with Wild Game
It's Definitely Not Stocks
Abe's Last-Ditch SolutionWelcome to Japan, Ms. Elf*Edited: Sam confirmed Cooking with Wild Game refers to Frenchman.
I don't think they are right and probably a long shot but...
Not Actually An Imouto Harem
I'll +1 that guess about Engaged to unidentified cuz I want it lol
My Frenchman will be pleased
And my initial guess which is quite the stretch and don't think it's right and would be really crazy if it's
Otaro Maijo's Disco Detective Wednesday
(Non-LN) -
wouldn't the imoutu harem be Seirei Gensouki manga?
@bloodygaikotsu said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [9 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 4 LNs) 1 LN Unconfirmed!]:
Otaro Maijo's Disco Detective Wednesday
(Non-LN)I would forget any complaints and praise Sam all year long but this guess is way beyond impossible xD