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@aruseus493 said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [8 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 3 LNs)! 2 AQUISITIONS YET TO BE CONFIRMED! IT'S MANGA TIME!!!]:
Abe's Last-Ditch Solution
Hope this doesn't mean it's just really ecchi series like Hybrid × Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia tho
I’m hoping you’re right about the potions one, FUNAs works are all somewhat similar but that is my favorite one of the three.
I will say none of those hints look like they could be the LN of bookworm, so I’m hoping that the as yet to be confirmed might be.
If not I’ll just hope for the future and enjoy another 4 or 5 new LNs.
I can't be the only one that thought of Abraham Lincoln when I read "Abe's Last-Ditch Solution".
Maybe something to do with abolishing slavery? -
@aruseus493 said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [8 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 3 LNs)! 2 AQUISITIONS YET TO BE CONFIRMED! IT'S MANGA TIME!!!]:
- My Frenchman Will Be Pleased (Reference to The Obra Dinn)
Cool, as a frenchman i would be pleased by Grimgar spin off ^^
Joke aside if it's a reference to The Obra Dinn it could be The forgetfull detective serie by NisiOisiN, both being detective serie with some time element and nessecity to write done what happend.
But NisiOisiN seem to be publish by Vertical, and novel uptdate claim that it's in the same univers as the monogatari serie, they're not allway truthworthy on that but if that really the case then i don't see it be licence by JNC. -
Now With Less Laborious Lecturing
Similarly to previous "now with" hint, probably another JNC title (e.g. magic with its tldr magical explanations). Edit: apparently someone else mentioned that but whatever.
Ironically No Anime Adaptation
Could be something with plot about anime. Don't know anything like that, though.
@doublemangekyo said
I can't be the only one that thought of Abraham Lincoln
You totally can because Shinzo Abe is a current Prime Minister of Japan and solution probably refers to birth rate meme.
Why this one? (Especially, the concept of time with Kyouko is more abstract. And it's more about what it feels when today(Kyo) is all you got ans do we still be the same person if we lose our memories)
Well, the connection between the two series is fan theory about Kyouko is older Hanekawa anyway.Well, a series that has mystery solved by time loops like Erased or Re:Zero might be a solid guess but I can't remember any rn.
@bloodygaikotsu I choose that one cause that the only one that came to my mind ^^
It's true that the link is weak but it's kind of allway the case with those hints: the one for Yume Nikki was "not a part of the nasuverse", aparently because Nasu mean eggplant and there was a mini game about eggplant in the original game
In fact if i'm end up being correct, compare to that one, this one would have been a strong hint ^^
What make me dubious is more the fact that NisiOisiN is mostly publish by Vertical even more if it could be a monogatari sequel. -
@aruseus493 said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [8 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 3 LNs)! 2 AQUISITIONS YET TO BE CONFIRMED! IT'S MANGA TIME!!!]:
My Frenchman Will Be Pleased (Reference to The Obra Dinn)
I just thought of smth
but it's a bit of stretch.
it might be too much of a stretch.-
It's mystery.
there's a bit of time issues.
Sam was asked about it on Curious Cat months ago but he said the market might not be ready for it back then. -
It's a publisher that Sam hasn't dealt with before—Shinchosha.
it's quite the risk but it's a 1000-plus-page book divided into 2 Tankobon then 3 Bunkobon—so, the risk might not as big as longer mystery series.
The author is an enigma.
Madman or woman or alien.
Only available in English in old Faust volume and a novel released by Viz.
However, it can please Andrew Cunningham (but he's not French, I think?)
Disco Detective Wednesday
But as I said, it's too much of a stretch -
@dtta said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [8 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 3 LNs)! 2 AQUISITIONS YET TO BE CONFIRMED! IT'S MANGA TIME!!!]:
If it is a JNC title, is there an Undead Adventurer manga?
It has one, yeah. Just got a volume 2
I think Less Laborious Lecturing refers to Unwanted Undead Adventurer manga.
My reasoning: If you spell out the English title in katakana, you get a triple A(ア).
アドベンチュラー -
@aruseus493 said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [8 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 3 LNs)! 2 AQUISITIONS YET TO BE CONFIRMED! IT'S MANGA TIME!!!]:
New hints are out.
Manga Hints:
- Now With Less Laborious Lecturing
But Yen Press has the Mahouka manga...
- Fall In Love All Over Again
An amnesia/time travel series probably.
LN hints:
- Complete the Triptych
Has Akira adapted any other off-the-wall media projects?
- Abe's Last-Ditch Solution
Are there any light novels like Love and Lies?
@sean-o-hara said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [8 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 3 LNs)! 2 AQUISITIONS YET TO BE CONFIRMED! IT'S MANGA TIME!!!]:
Are there any light novels like Love and Lies?
Well, pretty sure that one won't do anything good for Abe, when they don't know ABC of making babies~♪
Complete the Tryptich, maybe a third series by Ichiro Sakaki?? We already have Bluesteel Blasphemer and Outbreak Company.
@paulnamida said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [8 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 3 LNs)! 2 AQUISITIONS YET TO BE CONFIRMED! IT'S MANGA TIME!!!]:
Complete the Tryptich, maybe a third series by Ichiro Sakaki?? We already have Bluesteel Blasphemer and Outbreak Company.
He's got a new one that looks like it shares names / similar designs to Outbreak, but... They aren't the same characters? I don't know, I'm probably wrong, but that's what it sounded like from Google Translated reviews.
@paulnamida A "triptych" is defined as "a set of three associated artistic, literary, or musical works intended to be appreciated together," so "a random 3rd work by Sakaki" is kind of out there. Unless Outbreak and Blue Steel are intended to be connected and this hypothetical third series will also be connected to those two, that seems like an unlikely prospect.
Potion Danomi makes more sense since FUNA released all 3 of her works simultaneously and the other 2 have already been licensed.
@legitpancake let's hope that's the case!
Manga Hints:
- The Manga Adaptaton of LN#1 (#1 as in Complete the Triptych)
- Not Actually An Imouto Harem
- Now With Less Laborious Lecturing
- Fall In Love All Over Again
- Ironically No Anime Adaptation
LN hints:
- Complete the Triptych
- My Frenchman Will Be Pleased (Reference to The Obra Dinn)
- It's Definitely Not Stocks
- Abe's Last-Ditch Solution
I have no clues on the Light Novels, however
4. Fall in Love All Over Again might be Black Summoner. The protagonist has a summoning agreement with the deity that oversee's those summoned/reincarnated from a different world. According to the deity, the summoner confessed his love to her, but agreed to have his memory wiped in order to obtain more power. He supposedly said he would fall in love with her again even without his memories. The deity agreed and the protagonist needs to become powerful enough to be able to summon her and is anxiously awaiting his second confession.2. Not Actually An Imouto Harem might be Murabito Tensei: Saikyou no Slow Life. This is a little bit of a stretch though.
Just giving this a little bump.
When do you guys think we'll get some of these title announcements? Before / On Christmas or closer to New Year's?
@terrence said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [9 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 4 LNs) 1 LN Unconfirmed!]:
When do you guys think we'll get some of these title announcements? Before / On Christmas or closer to New Year's?
My guess that Sam may wanna put Santa outta his job this year; so, maybe, on Christmas.