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Fifth Year Anniversary Survey!
I think JNC needs to take more account of the first law of surveys - the more questions you ask, the fewer replies you get!
I think if they listed that the bookwalker coupon was page 16 more folks would do the survey
@angelus I have my own rule of surveys - I don't do them, unless required by law... or someone really pissed me off.
I also have rules about obfuscated short links - I don't click on them., unless there is a safe way to determine where they end up.
There's no need for them unless you're intention is to have people trade them via text message, and it's not safe to use them if you're on a phone.
@someoldguy An easy enough adjustment! I simply copied the link from our tweet, since long links automatically get shortened due to character limitations.
@myskaros It's not necessary to have the link "fully visible", just so that when you "hover" over it, you can see what it is. Like:
Character limits in SMS and tweets kind of make real hypertext links a problem; that nice-looking link takes up 132 characters in the forum markup, 146 if it's written in HTML. That's why Twitter has auto-shortening.
(but that's off-topic)
Happy Borthday JNC
To be honest I can’t recall when I first learned of JNC, but it was I think very early on.
Unless you count Robotech, Voltron, etc in my childhood, and the odd Sailer Moon at conventions… my first ‘real’ interest in anime was Sekirei… which as a result threw me into manga… which eventually had me thrown into this whole wider world of Japanese and Asian content…. Hard to believe…
First purchased light novel? Danmachi volume 4 & 5 because fan translation stopped.
First JNC book? How the Realist Hero rebuilt the kingdom (bought on Amazon, all since on JNC site)
How many books in my current library? 70 and counting.
How many series are in my active read list for JNC? 5, one on haiatus.
How many series are waiting in the wings once they catch up to where fan translation are/were? 3 and counting.
How many I’m waiting on because they are good long series that I’m afraid to read simply because the number of volumes could create antisocial behaviour? 4 and counting. (Seriously, I’m a marathon reader… 15-30 books at once? Don’t try to talk to me!)Release pace? It’s fine… cause frankly, if you released at the pace I want, you wouldn’t have a single volume to release for me next month. 8P
Oh, and for that book walker discount I got sent… I’d rather have a one or two time discount on buying JNC credit!
Looking forward to the next five years!
@thomask said in Fifth Year Anniversary Survey!:
Oh, and for that book walker discount I got sent… I’d rather have a one or two time discount on buying JNC credit!
The last few years there has been a $1 off on credits sale for Black Friday / Thanksgiving. Hopefully they will do it again.
If you buy 5 credits, the $$ you save would pay for re-buying Realist Hero volume 1 as a premium edition so you can read the bonus stories. Realist has my favorite bonus stories of all of the JNC series.
@kurosov I only read physical copies at home and ebooks everywhere else but physical copies feel so much better
@thegrimlich I only remembered 32 but I thought of 6 more after I finished the survey and I know I'm still forgetting some
Edit: It's 54, never would have remember GearDrive without looking through the series list -
@abemania said in Fifth Year Anniversary Survey!:
@kurosov I only read physical copies at home and ebooks everywhere else but physical copies feel so much better
For hardbacks I'd agree, But the OCD need to keep a paperback pristine means treating it like a delicate object when reading.
Happy Birthday. Finished the survey but next time it should include some options for your own comments (yeah I know there were 5 questions I would have liked to answer something else instead of the choices but the evaluation of those 5 multiplied by all that take it would be hell).
Interesting to knew that I am also onboard since 4.5 years. Never checked before.
Reminds me. Anyone else had problems to name series that need a physical release? I mean the bestsellign series are already releasing as physical books.
@saskir said in Fifth Year Anniversary Survey!:
Finished the survey but next time it should include some options for your own comments
Yeah, I second that. Or at least to make the answers more general in nature - there was a decent amount of answers that mostly fit, but had some too specific clauses that made me skip them
@wellwisher If we included an "other: (fill in)" in most questions it makes statistical analysis more difficult.
In the end we either throw your answer away or dump it in one of the other categories anyway.
We're not really reading each person's opinion on an individual basis outside of the questions that specifically ask you to leave any additional comments. -
Day 1 member here, happy birthday! I remember being so excited that there was a publisher who was putting out Light Novels that weren’t made into anime.
However, my love wasn’t enough to get me through all the pages of that survey. I gave up at some point. Too many vey specific questions that I didn’t really know the answers to offhand and it seemed like it would never end.
@the-green-death said in Fifth Year Anniversary Survey!:
Day 1 member here, happy birthday! I remember being so excited that there was a publisher who was putting out Light Novels that weren’t made into anime.
However, my love wasn’t enough to get me through all the pages of that survey. I gave up at some point. Too many vey specific questions that I didn’t really know the answers to offhand and it seemed like it would never end.
It might have worked better to split out all the manga questions to cut away a few pages.
I don't usually read manga so my input was useless there.
@harmlessdave said in Fifth Year Anniversary Survey!:
@the-green-death said in Fifth Year Anniversary Survey!:
Day 1 member here, happy birthday! I remember being so excited that there was a publisher who was putting out Light Novels that weren’t made into anime.
However, my love wasn’t enough to get me through all the pages of that survey. I gave up at some point. Too many vey specific questions that I didn’t really know the answers to offhand and it seemed like it would never end.
It might have worked better to split out all the manga questions to cut away a few pages.
I don't usually read manga so my input was useless there.
I second that. My input about manga won't help anyone :D
It would have been way faster if all the questions like "what series needs print" etc. would actually have a list of titles that have not been printed in single choice. Instead, I had to filter the page and then had to work down on the paging -.- . Also using the specific title there looks to me as if it is later filtered by the series full name anyway.
And having question like would you recommend X and not having the option to explain why won't really help.
@qeeh said in Fifth Year Anniversary Survey!:
And having question like would you recommend X and not having the option to explain why won't really help.
A recommendation even without a reason is supposed to be a good indicator as long as you have enough of them.
Jiminy Christmas, that was long!
No option in regard to how one learned about JNC of "I purchased a book and then looked up the publisher to see what else they were publishing I might like," which would seem like a blindingly obvious option to include.
No how did you learn of LNs of "I first learned of WNs/LNs via looking for online fiction to read and stumbling across fan translations, bought into the argument that the only ethical justification of this violation of copyright was to demonstrate a potential market, and that when an official translation was licensed I'd go buy it as proof I hadn't been lying." Which is very much the case.
I also experienced some confusion in regard to suggesting LNs I'd like to see a manga adaptation of: Was this limited to titles that already had a Japanese manga but no licensed English edition, or did it include those for which no manga existed at all, in any language? In either case, it was going to require more research than I felt like doing to find out if there was a manga running around already.
Stuff not covered in the survey (wait, didn't I already complain about the length!?):
Why did you first join JNC: A: Because I saw it as a way to help make sure they stayed financially viable, akin to a Patreon. Other than reading the occasional pre-pub to see if I wanted to purchase the title, that was it for a couple of years. Anyway, I looked at it as underwriting their efforts, to make sure they were able to keep going. A steady stream of ongoing funding helps deal with fixed expenses.
How long were you a JNC member before you first visited the Forums? A: Like, um, years!
How long until you upgraded to Premium and started buying Premium Editions? A: Longer still! Once I actually did the math, I was kicking myself... -
@weasalopes said in Fifth Year Anniversary Survey!:
No option in regard to how one learned about JNC of "I purchased a book and then looked up the publisher to see what else they were publishing I might like," which would seem like a blindingly obvious option to include.
Yep, I only found out about the JNC website from noticing the "we've got a club" text at the end of one of the ebooks I'd bought from Amazon, and sadly not the first one.
I ended up eventually needing to re-buy the first 5 volumes of Realist Hero to get the bonus stories. Oh well, I got a 50-pack of credits for $4-5 each in the 2019(?) black Friday special which paid for it.
@weasalopes said in Fifth Year Anniversary Survey!:
No option in regard to how one learned about JNC of "I purchased a book and then looked up the publisher to see what else they were publishing I might like," which would seem like a blindingly obvious option to include.
Pretty much this, this was exactly how it panned out for me. I found out that someone was actually translating 2 series I REALLY REALLY wanted to read by pure chance, it'd have never ocurred to me that they'd ever be translated and after years of no fan translation I simply stopped looking them up. Then one day I saw 2 covers on the "Other series you might like" part of Amazon after buying I believe it was some volume of Death March... And there they were "My big Sister Lives in a Fantasy World" and "I Saved Too many Heroines and I caused an Apocalypse", the titles didn't click instantly, as I had only ever thought of those series in their Japanese names, but after taking a closer look at those covers I just couldn't believe it, someone had actually licensed those 2 series, and there were already 4-5 volumes out!!! I insta-bought them and eventually ended up in this site after looking up the madmen that actually got these 2 series on our side of the Pacific.
Thanks JNC. I've never been as grateful to anyone besides my parents.