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Manga publishers on Kindle
Hello all.
I like to keep things simple and use Kindle quite a lot. Any retailers out with of Seven Seas, J Novel and Yen Press I should look for on Kindle for possible manga series I might enjoy?
Yes, I do things the hard way of sometimes searching for an anime series I am reading to see if it has been licensed, but sometimes a general company browse brings surprises and typing "manga" in Amazon search can lead to many varied and "interesting" results
Viz Media is most certainly the largest manga publisher in the English market, with Kodansha Comics coming at a close second. There's also Dark Horse (really only publish Berserk, Hinamatsuri, and Eizouken and a few others), the new Square Enix Manga, Vertical Comics (now just a subsidiary of Kodansha), Udon, and a few other less notable small publishers.
If you live in NA, UK/IE, S. Africa, AU/NZ, Philippines, Singapore, or India, then I highly recommend checking out Viz Media's Shonen Jump manga subscription
At only $1.99 USD per month, you get nearly unlimited access to almost every SJ manga ever released in English, plus offline downloading on a mobile device.If you haven't tried it out yet, I recommend starting with Spy x Family :)