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In Another World With My Smartphone Volume 23
It's entitled the twins and their daughters. It was a great chapter, but it had nothing to do with their daughters. Nothing, not even a mention of the twins.
What a let down. I was so excited to be introduced to them. May be in part 6. -
Just wondering, are you having trouble posting in the current Volume 23 discussion, located in the members only section of the forums?[I only ask, because you are talking about pre-pub content, but you don't seem to be a member (only according to the forums)Nevermind
I guess they bought the credit and are able to follow along with the prepubs even without a membership? Cool to know people have caught on to that feature.
@rahul-balaggan I was a member, and @LegitPancake, yes, I did use saved credits for the pre pub. @Rahul-Balaggan, I was unaware that comments were restricted to members only. Thank you for letting me know that only the elite can enjoy your content.
My apologies, that was not my intention when I posted.
When I posted I did not know what the situation was and assumed that you created a new topic but meant to post in the topic in members only, that happens form time to time when users make a new while new topic by mistake while trying to post in an already established topic.
There have also been cases in the past where users sign up for a membership but are unable to access the members only section of the forums. If that were the case we wanted to get your account squared away.
I put a strikeout through my post to indicate I had been made aware of the situation.
No rules were broken, and I left the topic open because you made this topic willingly.
Since you brought it up, since the feature of reading the prepubs without a membership is relatively new, user who create topics for pre-pubs and can not access the members only section of the forums is new territory for these forums.
@rahul-balaggan I can understand the confusion. It came across as a violation. Thank you for the apology.
Yes! I commented before about the let down of the title. However, I was too impatient. I finished part 6, and was not disappointed.
Part 7 will be one for the ages. A bid thank you to J-novel club and the author for publishing and writing this series. I am a super fan.
How often does the release date get pushed back? This is the first time I have had it happen to me. From Thursday to Monday.
I am utterly amazed at the writing of this series. I genuinely like this new direction. The family aspect just builds on the lore.
Part 7 was worth the wait. When this is fully published, I will be adding it to my collection. Keep them coming! -
I have gone ahead and combined the various "part" topics into a single general discussion topic for Volume 23 of Smartphone.
This is to keep the conversation in a more centralized location for anyone who wishes to post about the volume.
Thank you
Are you able to post in this topic?
@rahul-balaggan I don't know how the JNC has set up its comments. I only know that I cannot post to the members section, and now, due to the "combining" of my comments, I still can't figure out how to do a continuous feed. Here is what I have been doing.
I go to the section marked J-Novel Club Series, under light novel discussion. I select the previous comment, and the only thing that come close to adding to the comment is reply. I have to select new topic to post about anything.
Is this wrong? There doesn't seem to be any other way for me to add to this "centralized location." Please guide me to the centralized location.
@c-norman-hocker Not entirely sure what problem you're running into, but you can use either of these buttons to reply to a topic:
The top button just replies to the topic normally, the bottom one attached to a specific post will link back to that post with that arrow next your name on your new post.
@myskaros Thank you, I will keep that in mind for the future.